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한국피앤지판매(유) 2016년 상반기 인턴 영업지원합격자소서

합격자 정보

  • 서울4년
  • 지리학과
  • 학점 3.56/4.3
  • 토익 950
  • 토스 Level6
  • 해외경험 2회
  • 13,856읽음

합격자소서 질문 및 내용

1. The purpose of this cover letter
This cover letter is intended to make you aware of my interest and qualifications for the position of Sales Internship P&G Korea. I understand the position requires a candidate who is reliable, resourceful and detail-oriented works well under pressure, and is also able to deal with team-oriented environment. I am sure the position seems to fit very well with my potential.

2. Why I am interested in this position
As you can see from my resume, I made various experiences as a program planner, coordinator, etc. Especially when I worked as a manager in Cafe managing club, I found myself interested in sales. Also, I could build good communication skills and leadership through my extracurricular activities and have worked in many team-oriented environments through my position. My varied experience and communication skills are my strongest qualifications for this position. My communications skills in team-oriented experiences will prove my ability to work efficiently in this company.

3. Conclusion
In any experiences, I was always motivated, organized, reliable person doing the best. Also, I have always tried to learn fast to adjust to any environment. So, I am sure that I will learn anything and adjust to work this company well to make productive result. I have been interested in Sales department for a long time. I am enthusiastic about pursuing a career in Sales with this company. I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you and can be reached at 010-XXXX-XXXX.

Yours faithfully,

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