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한국피앤지판매(유) 2015년 하반기 신입 자재관리자합격자소서

합격자 정보

  • 해외대학
  • Business Administration
  • 학점 3/4.5
  • 오픽 AL
  • 해외경험 1회
  • 인턴 2회
  • 11,127읽음

합격자소서 질문 및 내용

October 16, 2015

Dear P&G Hiring Manager

I am writing to apply for the PS Associate Manager position available at your office. When I saw the posting on the website, I was excited about new opportunity. My desire for product supply management, with my experiences in the security products manufacture company and Korean Army, has perfectly prepared me to fit in this career.

During the job experience in security products manufacturer, I dealt with diverse security products such as CCTV camera and recorder. Followed to the market trend and clients’ need, I had to find out the right method of shipment and product quantity from factories in Korea and China to the States, to reduce shipping costs and maintain inventory level. At the same time, I had to make marketing/sales strategies, manage existing customers and find new accounts to increase the sales. Because of this multitasking, I could easily understand customers’ preference and market trend so that make easy decision about shipping method and product quantity.

I developed my communication skills by cooperating with warehouse and factories. Also I could learn importance of accuracy in business by managing cross board logistics and numbers. Through the diverse experiences in this company, I could understand product supply process and learn communication skill, which are indispensable in office work.

When I was in Army service in Korea, my job in the office was managing properties and annual budget. The amount of money was 14.1 million dollars per year. I had to make financial document and official document to deal with annual budget. I was belonged to department of Korean Army National Property.

Thus, I managed property, apartment and real estate. During work in this department, I got in trouble once with 60 cents error. But after 2 days work, I found out that the error was because of rounding off to the nearest integer in Excel.

My report was chosen as the best report from the military headquarters with no errors. Through the experience in this department, I could learn how to make and manage financial statement which is important in real office work. This also shows the ability of management aspect.

Thank you for your consideration. It must be happy to talk with you about how my knowledge of product management method worked in creative ways. Based on my abilities, I could help to achieve your business goals in your industry.

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