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바클레이즈은행서울지점 의 이미지

다양성이 인정되고 실력이 존중받는 곳에서 꿈을 펼칠 분들은 지금부터 Barclays Capital 채용설명회에 주목해 주세요!

잡코리아 김민행 인턴기자

채용설명회 질의응답


Q1.I have already graduated or have some work experience ? can I still apply for the programmes?
Most internships are offered to penultimate-year university students; however, there are certain circumstances where we would assess a graduate student as well.
Q2.Do you offer deferred entry for your programmes?
In exceptional circumstances, we may allow you to defer your start date. Please speak to your recruiter for further details.
Q3.Barclays Capital does not visit my college/university ? will my application be considered?
Yes. Although we may visit certain schools/universities, this does not mean that if you don't attend one of these institutions your application won't be considered. We recruit candidates from all universities.
Q4.Can I apply to more than one region?
We encourage you to apply to one region; however, some roles recruit on a global basis. If applying for internships, we recommend that you apply to the region that you would want to be recruited for a full-time role.


Q1.I applied previously to Barclays Capital ? can I reapply?
We accept one application per candidate per year. If you have previously applied to us, you can only reapply once the next recruitment season begins. The season begins on 1 August each year in EMEA and you must include details of any previous applications
Q2.Can I get feedback on my application?
Because of the large volume of applications we receive, we do not provide feedback at the testing, CV screen or telephone interview stage of the application process. We will provide detailed feedback to candidates who attend our final assessment events.
Q3.Can I send my CV by email?
We only accept applications made online via this website to ensure a fair and consistent application process.


Q1.Do I need to speak the local language to apply for a role in that country?
As Barclays Capital's business language is English, it is necessary to speak a high level of English no matter which role and region you are applying to. It is not always necessary to speak the local language of the office you are applying to, although fo

‘바클레이즈은행서울지점’의 채용설명회 후기 더보기


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