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GPTW코리아 직원경험 진단 인증기업입니다.

  • 대한민국 일하기 좋은 100대 기업
  • 여성 워킹맘이 일하기 좋은 기업
  • 밀레니얼이 가장 일하기 좋은 기업
BAT 로스만스
담배 도매업

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자소서항목 리스트

2022년 상반기 자소서항목

  • 2022 BAT 신입사원 채용 - 전체 모집분야 공통

    Q1.Describe the most challenging time when you had to stand up for an approach or idea that you most passionately believed in. How did you communicate your position and gain support of others? (500-600 words)
    Q2.Describe a time when had to plan and organize a complex project or a piece of work. How did you approach it and what was the result? (500-600 words)
    Q3.What is your short-term (3-5 years) and long-term (10 years+) career goal? (max. 150 words)