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합격자소서 상세 보기

2018년 하반기 신입 온라인마케터 합격자소서

합격자 정보 해외대학 Human Resources 학점 3.54/4.5 인턴 4회


자소서 항목

  • Q1. Marketing cover letter

합격 자소서

Ms. OO

I am writing to apply for the Advertising Solutions Consultant position on Google’s Technical Services team, as advertised on Google Careers. I have completed my Bachelor of Science degree at OOOO University, majoring in Computer Science with a minor in Mathematics. I am keen to apply my knowledge and applicable skills gained through both university study and industry related work experience.

My enthusiasm to work at Google has been fostered by your reputation of working creatively to provide customers with excellent technical support. Solving clients’ computing related problems to ensure that their IT use is effective and efficient would be very satisfying. I thoroughly enjoy the technical challenges of problem solving and working with clients to ensure quick resolutions.

My studies have assisted me in gaining relevant technical skills, and my employment experience in the advertising sector has enabled me to extend my skills in the areas of communication and creative problem solving rooted with technical fundamentals. My experience as a volunteer while at OOOO University has been based around my motivation to become involved and ensure that programs are delivered effectively throughout the community.

Through my part time employment as an Information Technology Intern at OOO, I have proven a strong customer focus with the ability to communicate and deal with people from a diverse range of backgrounds. I have had to handle many challenging customer enquiries and have learned to resolve them in a professional and timely manner. This has also developed my ability to explain IT concepts to people who do not have a technical background.

Thank you for reviewing my application. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my application in more detail at an interview.


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