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Q Contacting the HR Dept. for submission issues

조회수 474 2020-12-18 작성

제출 문제에 대해 알려드리기 위해 회사 인사팀애 어떻게 연락해야 함니까?


*My Keyboard is Qwerty and I`m still learning Korean, appreciate your patience!*


How may I contact the company`s HR Team to let them know of a submission issue?
Or will I need to wait for/contact the Naver support team?

Appreciate your assistance.


내 프로필 > 북마크 에 추가되었습니다

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답변 4
  • 프로필 이미지 mentor9511108 제품영업 / 23년차 Lv 1

    Hi I think you need to send an e-mail to a person in charge to make sure they have received your application. In case of no answer, you can call them. If you don`t speak Korean well, you may ask your Korean friend. Thanks.

    2020-12-20 작성
  • 프로필 이미지 mentor5226592 재무담당자 / 20년차 Lv 1

    전화하세요 이메일로하셔도 됩니다

    2020-12-20 작성
  • 프로필 이미지 mentor1952852 경영·비즈니스기획 / 25년차 Lv 2

    You need not contact HR team.
    Let me know that diretly.

    2020-12-20 작성
  • 프로필 이미지 mentor0238666 컨설턴트 / 3년차 Lv 1

    I would advise to wait for at least a week, and if there is no response after that, shoot an email to the HR team directly.

    2020-12-20 작성