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Q Candidacy error

조회수 190 2020-12-07 작성
I`m trying to submit my candidacy for A&R`s work, but the website doesn`t let me apply. Is there any other way I can submit my resume?
I`ve been waiting practically my whole life for opportunities like this to be part of the music industry

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0 / 1,000
답변 2
  • 프로필 이미지 mentor8308865 제품영업 / 17년차 Lv 5

    On the bottom right there is an orange color called immediate support. please press it and attach your resume "즉시지원"

    2020-12-07 작성
  • 프로필 이미지 mentor3537670 인사담당자 / 16년차 Lv 3

    한글로 작성해 주세요

    2020-12-07 작성