글로벌 게임사 

Social & Community Manager

㈜맨파워코리아는 1999년에 설립된 회사로 자본금 15억원, 매출액 4500억, 사원수 11,000명 규모의 중견기업입니다. 서울 강남구 테헤란로 409 (삼성동, 동신빌딩)에 위치하고 있으며, 헤드헌팅사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

Game Community Manager
( 1명 )


  Build, stage, and launch engaging social media campaigns with clear KPI and result 

 ● Write detailed briefs and work cross-functionally to deliver compelling social media campaigns and promotions. 

 ● Managing global social media content adaptation and localisation for the korea market including all content localisation on digital platforms/media 

 ● Oversee asset direction, development, and approval processes with internal and external partners. 

● Keep a pulse on the social landscape by tracking trends, social platforms, campaigns, and content (with a special focus on short-form video development). 

 ● Recommend innovative ways to reach new and existing players on social media. ● Growing our community online & offline 

 ● Promoting our games to our local players and organize local activation for community 

 ● Develop comprehensive reports to surface organic campaign performance and share recommendations based on the findings. 

 ● Identify relevant insights from social performance and community conversations to help drive innovation, including exploring potential new platforms to serve our goals 

 ● Collaborate with cross-functional team members and stakeholders, including regular and reliable attendance and participation in meetings


 5-6+years of relevant social media experience, including experience with recent social platform trends and their features (e.g. TikTok, Instagram Reels, etc). 

 ● Thinks creatively, and loves innovating while follow through process 

 ● Undeterred by quick turnaround times, multi step approval processes, and trying new things. 

 ● Detail driven, communicative, self-motivated and a collaborative teammate 

 ● Keepsuptodate with social media industry trends. 

 ● Experience on community building and has knowns how on online & offline activation 

 ● Experience using Sprinklr or other related content management/publishing/tracking tools. 

 ● Ability to work in a fast-paced hybrid environment and handle stress appropriately and/or ability to solve practical problems and be sufficiently adaptable to handle dynamic situations with little advance notice. 

 ● Experience using different editing tools for quick video/photo editing on social channels 

 ● Experience working on cross-functional teams with ability to communicate effectively through written and verbal communications, including synchronous interactions with others


ㆍ서류전형 > 1차면접 > 2차면접 > 임원면접 > 최종합격

ㆍ면접일정은 추후 통보됩니다.


ㆍ허위사실이 발견될 경우 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.