
se[비영리법인/글로벌/자연보전기구]ge 1.사업전략 임원

(주)에이치알글로벌네트워크는 2020년에 설립된 회사로 사원수 11명 규모의 중소기업입니다. 서울 강남구 테헤란로1길 28-11 (역삼동)에 위치하고 있으며, 인력공급업, 헤드헌터, 고용알선업사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

사업전략 임원
( ○명 )

Knowledge and Skills
1. Fluency in English.

2. Bachelor`s degree in Business Administration, Economics, Environmental Policy, Public Administration, International studies or a related field; Master’s degree is a plus.

3. Minimum of 15 years of professional experience includes 3~5years of working at the executive level in business sustainability, environmental policy, corporate social responsibility, or related fields, with proven management and leadership abilities.

4. Deep understanding of environmental issues, conservation challenges, and sustainable development goals, as well as the role of businesses and governments in addressing them.

5. Strong analytical, strategic thinking, and problem-solving skills, with the ability to develop and implement effective advocacy and engagement strategies.

6. Excellent communication, negotiation, and relationship-building skills, with the ability to engage and influence diverse stakeholders, including business leaders, policymakers, and civil society organizations.

7. Demonstrated ability to work collaboratively in a multicultural and interdisciplinary team environment, with a commitment to WWF`s values of Courage, Integrity, Respect & Collaboration




나이 조건 38(1987년생) ~ 49(1976년생)

경력 연수 15 이상 ~ 20 미만

인재직무 키워드 1순위 : Business & Policy;

필요 외국어 영어

최종학력 학사이상

근무지 서울 서울특별시 종로구 종로 47 )

출근 유연제 있음

연봉 상한선 8,000만원 이하

스톡옵션여부 없음

인성검사 없음

별도테스트 있음

이력서 검토시기 마감 2 이내 검토


ㆍ서류전형 > 1차면접 > 2차면접 > 임원면접 > 최종합격

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