해외 화장품 수입 유통사 면세 브랜드 매니저 BM Brand manager

베스트파트너스는 2011년에 설립된 회사로 자본금 1억원 사원수 10명 규모의 중소기업입니다. 서울 마포구 큰우물로 75 (도화동)에 위치하고 있으며, 헤드헌팅, 커리어코칭, 판매전문가 양성교육, 파워셀링스킬교육, 평판조회서비스사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

( 1명 )

1. Marketing 

  • lead Brand/New product marketing program following brand guideline.
  • Plan and lead marketing calendar and monthly program, both PR and BTL activity.
  • Develop key product concept and distribution for new launches.
  • Manage annual A&P budget and track.
  • Lead approval process for channel expansion and new counter opening/renewal projects.

2. Sales

  • Plan year sales promotion for each sales channel. (Duty Free)
  • Analyze sales result and manage relevant reports.
  • Analyze and report competitor and activities monthly basis.

3. Inventory Management/Forecast

  • Monitor stock status and have monthly order, submit order and monitor shipment status.
  • Regularly check excess inventory status and recommends and implement plans to reduce excess inventory.
  • Submit new product forecast within due.
  • Develop sampling/gwp strategy for each channel and order POSM.

4. Administrate RA parts (Starting from May)

  • Prepare registration documents of new products. 
  • Keep track registration documents status with RA team.
  • Review and confirm label with quantity (Current)

5. Communication

  • Maintain close contact with Brand Head Office. 
  • Effective commination with training, counter staffs and managers and consumer relation parts.

6. Requirement

  • Proactive/ Optimistic, Passionate
  • Strong communication Skill
  • Strong in detail and good sense of responsibility
  • Team player
- 경력 : 10년 이하
- 경력 : 동종업계(Local & Duty Free Cosmetics & Fragrance Brand) 등 유관 업종 Brand Marketing 경력자(Brand Managing)
- 학력 : 대학교졸 이상
- 외국어 : 영어(Fluently)
- 채용인원 : 각1명
- 연봉 : 협의 


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