CRC Data Analyst 


네슬레코리아(유)는 2014년에 설립된 회사로 자본금 155억 9,450만원, 매출액 4169억 5천만, 사원수 483명 규모이며, 한국인터넷전문가협회에서 주관한 웹 어워드 코리아 2015 수상기업입니다. 서울 서대문구 충정로 70 (미근동, 웨스트게이트타워)에 위치하고 있으며, 유통, 커피사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

본 채용공고는 산전후휴가 Back-fill 채용의 건으로 채용 시부터 11개월 (TBD) 계약기간인 점 안내 드립니다.

Direct Report to
- CRC Manager
Main Purpose of Job
- Support the CRC to successfully meet performance targets and optimize usage of resources
- Drive sustainable and cost-efficient operations with focus on best-in-class customer satisfaction

Job Description
Live monitoring, Real time management & Transactions allocation
- Supervises the live monitoring and real time management
- Supervises the allocation and transactions routing to specific sites, queues and staff
- Monitor overall network and site-level performance on a real-time basis
- Understands the main Sales of Customer Experience KPIs and embeds them in the daily business
- As the owner of the CRC reporting house, ensures decision support reports and dashboards are released in collaboration with stakeholder teams
- Makes CRC Specialist`s performance indicators available, allowing Team Leader to coach employees to continuously strive for higher performance 
- Reports adapted figures including workload trends, staffing requirements and key performance results to the different audiences (CS, TL, Local ManCom and HQ) to build recommendations
Business Continuity & managing IT services
- Is a min player in the release of the Business Continuity Plan and ensures business continuity through the BCP implementation with relevant stakeholders
- Ensures all materials required are provided to Coffee Specialists (e.g. hardware, phones, headsets)
- Identifies and collects IT or telephony dysfunctions and coordinates system backup/outages with IT to minimize customer impact
- Solve at a first level(telephony assistance to operations and troubleshooting telephony problems) and acts as interface and follows up solving for next levels
- Trains if needed, team leaders, managers and trainers on the use of workforce planning tools

Job Requirements

  1. Education:
    - University degree
    Business experience:
    - Experience in Data analysis more than 2 years (in call center is preferred)
    - Experience in multi-task and fast-paced environment using digital tools and software
    And preferably
    - Experience in CRC IT environment
    - Contact Flow Management
    - Budget Management knowledge
    - Project Management in a matrix organization 
    - Proven ability to manage change and implement process improvements


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ㆍ허위사실이 발견될 경우 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.