Hotel SKYPARK is the First domestic hotel franchise which successfully settled in Korean-style business hotel chain.
Including 4 branches in Myeong-dong, Seoul ,2 branches in Dongdaemun Seoul , Daejeon and Jeju.
Hotel SKYPARK is a world-famous hotel beloved by foreign guests and all hotels have been selected as excellent hotels by travel agencies and guests
We are currently making continuous efforts to ensure employee’s welfare and convenience, including making all employees “full-time”, and are looking for passionate and enterprising talent who want to develop and grow together with us.

포지션 및 자격요건 Position and Requirements

객실부 Front Desk
( ○명 )



프론트 데스크 고객서비스

체크인 & 체크아웃, 컨시어지 서비스 등

Main task
ㆍFront Desk
    Hotel front desk customer service
    Check in & out , Concierge service, ect 


ㆍ학력 : 전공무관 초대졸이상  (졸업예정자 가능)

ㆍ경력 : 신입·경력

영어일본어중국어 中 1개 이상의 외국어로 능숙한 고객응대가 가능한 자

우수한 팀 플레이어

서비스 지향형 인재

미래지향적 인재

학력 전공무관 초대졸이상 (졸업예정자)

MUST have Valid Visa status for Hotel front job :
     F2-3 , F2-4,F4, F5, F6 VISA , E7 visa spornsorship is possible
ㆍ Can speak Basic Korean for communicate with your co-workers
ㆍ At least speak 1 language fluently among English, Japanese and Chinese
ㆍ Team player
ㆍ Good mentality for Service job
ㆍ Bachelor’s degree ( Major is irrelevant ) 

복리후생 및 특전

ㆍ3개월 수습기간후 업무 적합시 정규직 전환 가능

ㆍ4대보험 가입

ㆍ경조금 지원

ㆍ명절 선물및 상여금 지원

ㆍ신입사원및 직무능력 향상 교육

ㆍ유니폼 제공

ㆍ중식, 야식비 제공

Employee welfare
ㆍ Salary will be decided after interview by following company rule
     (We will provide equal pay and working hours in accordance with Korean law)
ㆍ After 3-month probationary period you can convert to a full-time employee
     (If you are suitable for the job)
ㆍ 4 major insurances
ㆍ Support money for congratulations and condolences
ㆍ Holiday gifts and bonuses
ㆍ Offer Uniform
ㆍ Offer Lunch and snacks for late night 


컴퓨터활용능력 우수자

유관업무 경험자(인턴 · 알바)

즉시출근 가능자

외국어 : HSK , TOEIC(Speaking) , JLPT 등 언어능력시험 고득점자

전공 : 호텔·관광경영 관련 전공

Preferential treatment 

ㆍPerson who proficient in MS office programs
    (words, excel, powerpoint)
ㆍPerson who has relavant job experience
ㆍPerson who can start to work immediately
ㆍPerson who has High lvl Language test results for EN, JPN, CN and Korean
ㆍPerson who has degree related to Hotel business 


ㆍ서류전형 > 1차면접 >  임원면접 > 최종합격

ㆍ면접일정은 추후 통보됩니다.


(1) Send job application by email with Free form resume to email contact

※ Mail title example : Recruitment/Frontdesk/Name


(2) Or Apply via jobkorea

ㆍDocument screening -> 1st interview -> Interview with Executive -> Final pass

※ Kakaotalk contact : YtseJam86 ( if you have any questions about job Feel free to contact us )


ㆍ허위사실이 발견될 경우 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.

ㆍIf false information is discovered, employment may be cancelled