
[해외영업] 무역회사 Sales manager

Esta-Bella 는 2020년에 설립된 회사로 중소기업입니다. 금천구 가산디지털 2로 101에 위치하고 있으며, 무역업사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

담당업무( 0명 )

Are you looking for a fun, energetic, and dynamic company to advance your career in sales?

Ideal Image is Skin, Face and Body for non-invasive & invasive aesthetic services that helps you look and feel your

best. Our goal is to help our clients achieve life changing results, whether it’s getting rid of unwanted hair,

preventing or addressing the signs of aging with healthier, more youthful skin, or to improve their body shape.

Our growing company is seeking to hire a Sales Manager who will be responsible for direct and oversee an

organization's sales policies, objectives and initiatives. Set short- and long-term sales strategies and evaluate

effectiveness of current sales programs. Recommend product or service enhancements to improve customer

satisfaction and sales potential.

Familiar with a variety of the field's concepts, practices and procedures. Rely on extensive experience and

judgment to plan and accomplish goals. Lead and direct the work of others. A wide degree of creativity and

latitude is expected. Typically reports to top management. The successful candidate will understand what

motivates customers to buy and know how to tap into those needs and desires in an effective way.

A Bachelor's degree in business or a related field is required. In order to succeed in this role, you will need

excellent communication skills and the ability to lead a sale team. Previous experience in a sales-related role is a plus.

Sales Manager Responsibilities:

Managing organizational sales by developing a business plan that covers sales, revenue and expense controls.

Meeting planned sales goals.

Setting individual sales targets with the sales team.

Tracking sales goals and reporting results as necessary.

Overseeing the activities and performance of the sales team.

Coordinating with marketing on lead generation.

The ongoing training of your salespeople.

Developing your sales team through motivation, counseling and product knowledge education.

Promoting the organization and products.

Understand our ideal customers and how they relate to our products.

Sales Manager Requirements:

Bachelor’s degree in business or related field.

Experience in planning and implementing sales strategies.

Experience in customer relationship management.

Experience managing and directing a sales team.

Excellent written and verbal communication skills.

Dedication to providing great customer service.

Goal-Driven Probationary Period 3 months

Visa Sponsorship NO

Make sure to Include Visa type in your resume




ㆍ학력 : 대졸이상

ㆍ경력 : 경력무관

ㆍ필수 : 영어능통자(원어민수준)


ㆍ해외연수자, 해외근무가능자

ㆍ외국어 : TOEIC 850점 이상

ㆍ제 2외국어 능통자

ㆍ영어 이외의 다른 외국어 능통자 우대, 이력서 첨부바람

!!! 외국인 VISA 지원 안됩니다. 일 할 수 있는 VISA를 가지고 계신 분만 지원 바랍니다 !!!

근무 조건

ㆍ고용 형태 : 정규직(수습 3개월), 계약직(근무기간 2년)

ㆍ근무 지역 : 서울 관악구, 금천구, 동작구, 마포구, 양천구, 영등포구

ㆍ근무 요일/시간 : 주5일(월~금) | 09:00 ~ 18:00 | 탄력근무제

복지 및 혜택

특이사항 제외 매월 마지막 주 금요일 휴무

생일자 생일파티와 선물 증정

시즌별 엑티비티 회사 여행

탄력 근무제 와 점심제공

회식, 여행 및 참여 강요 X


ㆍ서류전형 > 1차면접 > 최종합격

ㆍ면접일정은 추후 통보됩니다.


ㆍ허위사실이 발견될 경우 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.