[근무회사 및 모집부문]  
* 근무회사: 중국에 본사가 있는 글로벌 전자상거래 기업 (본사는 명동역 부근)   
* 사업분야: 세계 최대 온라인 B2B 거래 플랫폼 기업
* 모집부문: Content Operation Assistant 


1. Responsible for Alibaba.com’s Growth operation and Marketing in Korea
- Familiar with Facebook, Google, Naver and other Korean mainstream media advertising, and use effective advertising to drive potential customer growth
- Sort out the delivery planning of each media platform, collaborate externally with local ad/media agency on content strategy and optimization, and internally collaborate with the local sales team on potential customer operations and management to ensure that paid ROI is achieved
2. Responsible for the implementation of Korean market events
- Execution of local B2B trade exhibitions, seminar, media events and other activities in Korea, including cooperating with event agency, event coordination, event performance review, etc.
3. Responsible for Alibaba.com Korea "Go-to-market" production, local SNS(blog, website) content operation


1. More than one year of Internet market operation experience, advertising company(media or event operation) experience in Korea,  B2B industry is plus
2. Familiar with traffic operation indicators such as CPM/CPC/CVR/CPL, familiar with the characteristics of media platforms such as Google/Facebook/Naver, and experience in ad agency and traffic channel management
3. Sensitive to data and able to use optimization tools and analysis tools for delivery analysis and operations
4. Have certain Korean copywriting skills and aesthetics, and experience in producing market content yourself
5. Good negotiation and communication skills, with the ability to collaborate across departments and teams
6. Korean is a must, proficient in Chinese listening, speaking, reading and writing

- 고용형태 : 맨파워 소속 파견계약직 1년 
- 근무시간 : 월~금 10:00~ 19:00
- 근무지: 서울시 중구 (명동역 부근)
- 복리후생 : 경조휴가, 연차, 4대보험, 우수사원포상, 생일선물, 명절선물 등 
- 급여조건 : 경력 ? 직전 연봉 대비 협의, 신입 ? 내규  
  - 제출서류: 국문/중문 이력서 및 자기소개서 (MS Word 양식)
  - 담당자: 홍다정 (zoey.hong@manpower.co.kr)