
- 스마트폰, 개인용 컴퓨터, 태블릿, 웨어러블 및 액세서리를 설계, 제조, 판매하는 회사
- 기업구분 : 나스닥 상장
- 1976년 4월 1일에 설립된 미국의 IT 기업이며 전 세계 최대의 다국적 기업중 하나 입니다. 하드웨어, 소프트웨어, 온라인 서비스를 디자인(설계), 개발, 제조(제작), 판매하고 있습니다.

- 본사 : 미국 캘리포니아, 한국오피스  : 삼성역 아셈타워 


[모집 부문 및 담당 업무, 자격요건]


- XF(Crossfunctional) & Video Producer


Roles & Responsibilities: 

  • Support planning and execution of product/service launches, sustaining activities, and seasonal campaigns in KR.
  • Support the development and execution of Geo-specific initiatives and originations across all consumer touch-points
  • Partner with key stakeholders (Planner, Brand, Ad, Media, and CDs) to help develop compelling campaign briefs that align with the overall communication strategies
  • Support launch and sustaining campaign efforts from inception to completion, including integration across key functions
  • Participate in creative reviews to ensure the strategy is on brief and the story is carried across marketing materials
  • Keeps all teams apprised of any product line-up and software updates that may impact
  • Support video localization project management 

Key Qualifications:
? Minimum 2 years of extensive brand/marketing communications experience, ideally with leading consumer electronics/ telco/ consumer brands, or affiliated marketing/advertising agencies.
? Experience working within a global marketing organization is a plus. 
? Deep experience in strategic account and campaign planning, including deployment of integrated communications, and account/client
relationship management.
? A detail-oriented team player with proven influencing/negotiation skills.
? Proficient English communication skills.
? The ideal candidate is self-motivated, flexible, and possesses the skills required to manage multiple tasks at once.
? Ad agency experience is a strong plus.

? eCommerce/ digital marketing experience is a strong plus.



- 고용형태 : 맨파워코리아 소속 파견계약직 1년 (추후 연장 가능) 

- 근무지 : 삼성역 아셈타워 

- 급여:  직전 대비 긍정적 상향 조정 고려 ( 연봉 상위) 

- 복지 : 생일선물, 명절선물, 경조휴가, 퇴직금, 4대보험, 우수사원포상 등 



- 제출 서류 : 국영문이력서 및 자기소개서 

- 서류 합격자에 한해 진행 절차 안내 드립니다

- 담당자 : 스태핑솔루션본부 홍다정 02-2051-6684