[ Global IT,  Exchange Server Engineer ] 

Exchange Server Engineer 채용 

1. 모집부문 및 자격요건

- Experience with Exchange Server: You should have a strong understanding of Microsoft Exchange Server, including installation, configuration, and administration of different versions such as Exchange Server 2010, 2013, 2016, or 2019. 

- Troubleshooting and Problem Resolution: You should be skilled in troubleshooting Exchange Server-related issues, such as mail flow problems, mailbox database corruption, client connectivity issues, and performance optimization. 

 - Active Directory and Networking: Proficiency in Active Directory and networking concepts is essential since Exchange Server relies heavily on these technologies for user authentication, domain connectivity, and routing. 

- High Availability and Disaster Recovery: Experience with implementing and managing high availability and disaster recovery solutions for Exchange Server, such as Database Availability Groups (DAGs), backup and recovery strategies, and mailbox replication. 

- Security and Compliance: Understanding Exchange Server security best practices, such as configuring secure connections (SSL/TLS), implementing antivirus/antispam solutions, and compliance requirements like message archiving and data loss prevention. 

- PowerShell Scripting: Proficiency in PowerShell scripting is highly desirable, as it allows automation of administrative tasks, monitoring, and reporting in Exchange Server environments. 

- Migration and Upgrades: Experience with Exchange Server migration projects, including planning and executing migrations from older versions to newer versions or to Exchange Online (Office 365). 

- Collaboration and Communication Skills: Strong interpersonal and communication skills are important as an L3 Exchange Server professional, as you may need to work closely with other IT teams, interact with end-users, and provide technical guidance. 

- Providing end-user support of MS Outlook related issues including OST, Calendaring, etc. 

- Maintain uptime by pro-active management and monitoring to ensure environmental health and minimize disruptions to mail-flow. 

- Providing forensic analysis of client email delivery issues. 

- Facilitating TLS encryption partnerships with client domains. 

- General Server Support 

- Develop and maintain infrastructure documentation. 

- Provide off-hour on-call support as needed. 

- Demonstrate proven analytical, evaluative, and problem-solving abilities 

- Must have extensive experience working in a team-oriented, collaborative environment.

Must have knowledge: 

- Messaging technical lead providing technical input into the Integration project 

- Experience and understanding of O365 technologies and interaction with on-prem platforms. 

- Currently supporting messaging end to end migrations for different domains. - Proficiency in PowerShell scripting as a skill requirement 


2. 근무조건

  • 급여 :  회사내규 ( 면접시 협의) - 지원시 희망연봉 기재

  • 근무지 :  재택근무 및 고객사 서버 구축 요청시 고객사 상주 ( 부산, 울산, 거제 지역)
  • 근무시간 : 09:00AM ~ 18:00PM (월~금, 주5일근무) 일 8시간 
  • 근무형태 : 정규직 

3. 복리후생제도

  • 4대보험, 퇴직금 및 회사내규에 따른 복리후생
  • 수평적 근무환경, 자유로운연차휴가, 경조휴가, 법정휴가 실시
  • 개인 역량에 따른 다양한 승진기회 부여
  • 근무자 편의를 위한 시설 완비

4. 문의 및 접수

  • 담당자 : 채용담당자
  • 연락처 : 010-9469-3453
  • 접수방법 : 온라인지원 및 자사 or 자유양식지원 (vsjob114@naver.com) 이메일발송
  • 채용에 불합격한 구직자는 제출한 채용서류 반환 요구시 14일 이내에 요구한 채용서류를 돌려받을 수 있습니다.
    ※ 클릭 → 작성 → 저장하신후 vsjob114@naver.com 발송
