Singapore Airlines 

Marketing & Public Relations  


Marketing & PR Officer/Agent

( 0명 ) 


Responsibilities include developing and implementing PR strategies, producing on/offline quality contents, managing relationships with journalists and influencers, and supporting various marketing promotions.


·A proactive and creative problem-solver capable of adapting to trends with flexibility and flair.
·Proficient in both Korean and English, with strong translation skills and the ability to communicate effectively with our headquarters.
·Exceptional writing skills in Korean, with the ability to craft attractive content that resonates with our customers and upholds our premium brand image.
·Professional and sociable communication skills, capable of building and maintaining relationships with media and influencers.
·Proficient in MS Office, including advanced skills in PowerPoint for creating impactful presentations.


?Public Relations:
- Develop long-term plans for both online and offline PR content in alignment with our brand guideline
- Create, manage, and oversee the production of compelling online and offline content, ensuring consistency and quality.
- Collaborate with PR agencies to prepare press releases and feature articles.
-  Maintain and manage relationships with journalists and digital influencers.
- Translate and localize materials as per headquarters` requests, ensuring relevance and engagement within the local market.
?Marketing and Promotion:
- Handle marketing and PR administrative duties with efficiency.
- Assist in the execution of various marketing promotions on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis.
- Support in the preparation of project plans and reports, contributing to our overall marketing strategy.



ㆍ컴퓨터활용능력 우수자

ㆍ문서작성 우수자

ㆍ영어 가능자


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