[영어상담 가능자] 평택 / 대구 지역 미군 가족 대상 ABA치료사, 언어치료사 채용

포지션 및 자격요건

( 1명 )


Hope & Wellness Services 입니다

저희는 평택과 대구에 있는 미군 커뮤니티를 주 대상으로 심리상담서비스를 제공하는 상담 센터입니다

영어 상담이 가능하신 ABA therapist Speech therapist를 채용하고자 합니다.


주요 채용요건은 아래와 같습니다


영어 상담 가능한 자 (required) 

석사 이상의 학위를 소지 (required) 

국내외 주요 자격증 중 ABA therapy혹은 Speech therapy 자격증 소지자 (required, 국내 자격증 소지자의 경우 임상경험 및 수퍼비전 시간에 대한 조건 논의 필요, 미국 license 소지자의 경우 license만으로 조건 충족)

평택 혹은 대구에서 대면상담 가능한 자 (required) 


다소 까다로운 자격요건이 있기 때문에 보수는 매우 좋은 편입니다

관심 있으신 분은 이메일로 (jyoon@hopeandwellness.co.kr연락 주시기 바랍니다




Are you interested in practicing in South Korea? Hope & Wellness Services (HWS) is a private practice in Pyeongtaek and Daegu, South Korea. 

We are hiring ABA therapists or Speech therapists who hold valid Visas with permission to work in Pyeongtaek and Daegu, South Korea. 

We mainly work with the U.S. military community (e.g., military families, civilians, and contractors) in Pyeongtaek and Daegu. 

You can further learn about us at www.hopeandwellness.co.kr.


This is an excellent opportunity for someone who has always dreamed of being in private practice and wants the flexibility of setting your schedule with competitive compensation. 

Ideal candidates should be compassionate with clients and experienced in using evidence-based practices with a high level of clinical skills.


Required Qualifications:

?      Fully licensed ABA therapist or Speech therapist in the U.S., South Korea, or other countries

?      Experiences in ABA therapy or speech therapy

?      Excellent written and verbal communication skills

?      Available to provide in-person sessions in Pyeongtaek or Daegu


Responsibilities and Duties

?      Provide ABA therapy or speech therapy

?      Maintain the legal and ethical standards as required for licensure and professional organizations for the profession.

?      Will maintain strict confidentiality and HIPAA compliance with client information.

?      Stay current on continuing education requirements necessary for licensure.

?      Complete and maintain timely documentation, treatment plans, and records for clients on their caseload.

?      Responsible for maintaining computer filing systems and making sure they are within HIPAA and privacy guidelines.


If you are interested in joining Hope & Wellness Services, please email us at jyoon@hopeandwellness.co.kr!


ㆍ서류전형 > 1차면접 > 2차면접 > 임원면접 > 최종합격

ㆍ면접일정은 추후 통보됩니다.


ㆍ허위사실이 발견될 경우 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.