긴급) 글로벌기업 Sr. Product Manager

휴머레인컨설팅은 2013년에 설립된 회사로 사원수 10명 규모의 벤처기업입니다. 서울 강남구 논현로 503 (역삼동)에 위치하고 있으며, 서비스, 직업소개업, 경영컨설팅사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

( 1명 )


[ The Impact You`ll Be Contributing to the Company ]

? Define customer value, strategy and roadmap for Company Ads products

? Synthesize large amounts of internal and external data from multiple sources and glean insights for product development

? Lead cross functional teams to drive rapid and high quality product development

? Stay on top of trends in the industry including competitors and surface new product offering and positioning ideas

? Develop go-to-market strategies and materials including generating and maintaining all sales enablement templates such as decks and case studies

? Communicate with various external partners for collaboration to advance the product

? Troubleshoot day-to-day operational roadblocks


? Experience driving product development lifecycle (from strategy definition, roadmap planning, requirement preparation and go-to-market)

? Strong analytical and problem-solving skills

? Ability to multi-task and manage multiple projects at a time while paying attention to detail

? Fast learner and self-initiative personality

? Dealing with underlying complex technical requirements

? Experience effectively working with multiple functional areas such as Engineering, UX, User Research, Product Specialist, Finance, or Marketing

? 5-7 years of work experience with at least 5 years in Product Management

? Fluent in speaking and writing both Korean and English


? Ad-tech experience

? Great communication skills

? Statistics, Economics and Computer Science majors

? Experience in SQL or other data analytics language


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