글로벌 포워딩 영업 경력 직원 채용

엠지에이치로지스틱스 유한회사는 2021년에 설립된 회사로 자본금 3억원 사원수 7명 규모의 중소기업입니다. 서울시 강동구 양재대로 1473 희헌타워 7층에 위치하고 있으며, 복합 운송 주선업, 화물 운송 중개, 대리 및 관련 서비스업사업을 하고 있습니다.
HQ in Singapore, MGH Group is a multinational conglomerate operating in 19+ countries all 
over the world with its vast spread of business. We are now hiring Sales Executive for a new 
Freight Forwarding organization in South Korea. Join with one of the world’s leading logistics 
providers as part of our growing, international network.

포지션 및 자격요건

글로벌 항공해운 포워딩 영업
( ○명 )

[모집분야] 포워딩(외국계) 영업경력 직원 모집 !! 

 - 동일 직무 3년 이상 재직 중인 분에 한하여 지원 바랍니다.

 - 실적 인센티브 프로그램 실행

 - 근로기준법을 준수하며 최장 연차 30일 가능 (포괄임금제)


- 해외 클라이언트와의 영업 및 상품 소싱 담당

- 해외 물류 및 운송 관련 영업 프로세스 수행

- 신규 시장 진출 전략 수립 및 실행

- 고객사와의 장기 파트너십 유지 및 관리

- 시장 동향 및 경쟁사 분석 보고서 작성


- 외국계 물류 및 운송 분야 경력 보유자 우대

- 영어로 업무 소통이 가능한 자

- 해외 출장 가능한 자

- 커뮤니케이션 및 문제해결 능력 우수자

- 팀워크를 중시하며 협업 능력을 보유한 자

담당업무 /Job Description
* Responsible for developing plans to achieve sales target
* Responsible for carrying out prospecting calls 
* Responsible for establishing and managing relationships with customers in need of the firm’s freight transportation services 
* Maintain consistently positive interactions to nurture customer relationships 
* Take ownership of customer issues and follow-through till resolution 
* Represent the firm in negotiating and building relationship with shippers and carriers 
* Responsible for aiding successful pick-up and delivering, and over the road assistance while customers’ freight moves across America’s motorways 
* Perform Cold-calling and work to build a book of businesses.*

 Take ownership of customer issues and follow-through till resolution 

* Represent the firm in negotiating and building relationship with shippers and carriers 

* Responsible for aiding successful pick-up and delivering, and over the road assistance while customers’ freight moves across America’s motorways 

* Perform Cold-calling and work to build a book of businesses.


* Have a minimum 3 years of relevant experience in the freight forwarding industry. ? Successfully completed an academic degree, ideally with a focus on logistics. 

* Must have a good understanding of sales concepts, methods, and techniques. 

* Having a proven record of sales success and in-depth knowledge of logistics products and services is a plus to an applicant 

* Must be able to develop strong business relationships within all levels of the company and with potential and existing clients 

* Have excellent verbal communication skills to convey information on the company’s solutions to clients and prospects, as well as to provide customer support as needed 

* Must be a team player & have the willingness to nurture team engagement in building a strong global community of colleagues and customers that collaborate for mutual success 

* Must have excellent negotiation skills. It is essential that the individual can influence clients taking a position that confers maximum benefit to the company. 

* Working proficiency in English and Korean 


ㆍ서류전형 > 1차면접 > 2차면접 > 임원면접 > 최종합격

ㆍ면접일정은 추후 통보됩니다.


ㆍ허위사실이 발견될 경우 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.