외국계자동차부품사에서 생산계획 (Demand Analyst) 모십니다.

◆ 포지션 : 생산계획 (Demand Analyst) (대리~과장급)

◆ 담당직무 

- Develop demand forecasts based on demand patterns, business trends, information gathered working with sales team, production manager, customers, and supply chain team.

- Responsible to run monthly demand reviews as part of the sales and operating planning and propose improvements where required.

- Maintain demand plan to guarantee on time delivery to customer, mitigate inventory risk.

- Recommend inventory strategy.

- Support, train demand analyst.

- Analyze demand related issues such as late deliveries to customer, obsolete stock and implement process to improve and avoid reoccurrence.

- Regularly audit current practices to challenge the teams, bring awareness to make sure that change and continuous improvement become mindset. 

- Understand market lead time requirements to better serve the customers and implement a proactive supply chain.


◆ 자격사항

-자동차부품사 경력자


◆ 근무지 : 경북 


-국영문이력서를 하나의 파일로 작성 (89_홍길동_DA) 

-이력서에 현재연봉(기본급+인센티브)/희망연봉 기재 부탁 드립니다.

-담당컨설턴트: 김기환 상무 (kkim@prosearchkorea.com / 010-6245-9815)