포지션 및 자격요건

HR Admin 계약직 채용

This role involves supporting HR processes such as recruitment, onboarding, and terminations. It comes with a one-year employment contract, and the responsibilities of the position are outlined below.

  • 담당업무
    • HR project support

       - Support for HR projects

       - Data analysis / Report generation 

      HR administration support

       - Coordination, on-boarding, new hire orientation

       - Prepare employee certificate

       - Personnel information documentation

       - Payment request, etc.


  •  - Bachelor or equivalent degree
  •  - Proficient in MS office 
  •  - Strong communication skill and teamwork 
  •  - Working proficiency of English 
  •  - HR related experience is plus but not a mandatory 

 - 장애인, 국가유공자, 보훈대상자는 관계 법령에 의거하여 우대합니다.


ㆍ서류전형 >면접전형 > 최종합격

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