한국/미국 동시 신약개발 벤처기업 



㈜바인컨설팅은 2015년에 설립된 회사로 자본금 1억원, 매출액 18억 8000만원, 사원수 38명 규모의 벤처기업입니다. 서울 강남구 논현로159길 20 (신사동, 동방빌딩)에 위치하고 있으며, 헤드헌팅과 인사컨설팅사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

( 1명 )


- 학력 : 대졸(4년제)이상 /바이오, 생명과학, 유전공학, 생화학, 분자생물학, 약학 등 관련 전공

- 동종 업종 경력   10년 이상

- 단백질 의약품 생산 개발 경험 보유

- 미국 메릴랜드 소재 회사 근무

* 주거지 제공(가족과 함께 생활 가능)


- cGMP Biologics manufacturing (Bioreactor, Chromatography, Viral clearance 등) 경험자 우대

- Single Use manufacturing 경험자 우대

- 경력 : 관련 업무 경험자 우대


? Biologics manufacturing -Upstream and downstream process operation, maintenance, and documentation

? Organize storage rooms, perform cycle counts, data entry to maintain a cGMP inventory system thus ensuring all our departments have adequate access to the materials they need.

? Collaborate with Manufacturing, Quality Control, and Quality Assurance in supporting internal and external materials management operations, and resolution of issues.

? Perform timely batch record review to identify and address deficiencies in timely manner to facilitate on time product release.

? Identify, investigate, and author procedural deviations in a timely manner.

? Assist in the preparation of reports and other documentation as applicable to the scope of operations in the manufacturing facility.

? Identify areas for improvement in manufacturing efficiencies and compliance.

? Communicate effectively with management of any processing or equipment issues.

? Routinely monitors, cleans, prepares and operates sophisticated automated cell processing, cell expansion and filling equipment in Grade B/C clean room


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