[글로벌, 재택근무] 그로스 마케터 / 그로스 PM

캐나다, 필리핀 등에서 가장 빠르게 성장하고 있는 헬스케어 유니콘 기업 Nimbyx(Evident)에서 퍼포먼스 마케터를 모십니다. 
글로벌 헬스케어 기업인 Nimbyx는 디지털 의료 서비스를 혁신하는 남미에서 가장 큰 덴탈 헬스케어 기업 중 하나입니다.   
의미있는 커리어 성장 기회를 찾고 있다면 일생일대 유니콘에 탑승하여 폭발적으로 성장 중인 J 커브를 직접 경험해보세요. 
이번 건은 Nimbyx 한국 특별 채용전으로 100% 원격근무, 100% 영어 업무 환경에서 원하는 곳에서 근무하세요!

포지션 및 자격요건

마케팅 PM
( ○명 )

Do you have one year’s experience repeated many times over? Maybe it’s time to get out of the rut.

Own Growth Marketer at Evident Digital: Vancouver`s Rising Star Tech Company

Calling All Passionate Marketers!! Are you a strategic whiz with a knack for creative campaigns that drive results? Do you crave a fast-paced environment where you can make a real impact and own your career growth? Then buckle up, because Evident Digital has the demand generation manager opportunity you`ve been waiting for.


● Be the mastermind behind our demand generation strategy: Craft data-driven campaigns that generate high-quality leads across multiple channels. Think email marketing, social media magic, content that converts, and events that impress.

● Own your channel expertise: Dive deep into the latest marketing trends and technologies, becoming the go-to guru for all things demand gen. 

● See the results of your work: We`re obsessed with measuring success, and you`ll have the data and insights to track your impact and continuously optimize your campaigns. 

● Collaborate with a dream team: Marketing whizzes, design ninjas, social media teams and sales superstars ? you`ll be surrounded by the best and brightest, learning and growing together. 

● Leave your mark: This is your chance to shape the future of Evident. We encourage bold ideas and empower our team to take ownership.


Bonus points of you...

● Have a proven track record of success in demand generation.

● Are a data enthusiast who can translate insights into actionable strategies.

● Possess a creative spark and can craft compelling content that resonates.

● Are a team player with a collaborative spirit.

● Are passionate about all things tech and marketing.



ㆍ통계분석·리서치 능숙자

ㆍ유관업무 경력자

ㆍ대기업 근무 경험자


Sound like your dream job? We thought so! Apply now and tell us why you`re the next demand generation superstar Evident has been waiting for. We can`t wait to meet you!

P.S. We are based in Vancouver, Canada but looking for remote team members in Seoul.


ㆍ서류전형 > 1차면접 > 임원면접 > 최종합격

ㆍ이력서, 포트폴리오는 영문으로 제출. 면접도 영문으로 진행. 


ㆍ허위사실이 발견될 경우 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.