Medical Account Manager

갈더마코리아㈜는 1998년에 설립된 회사로 자본금 5억원, 매출액 719억 8,710만원, 사원수 90명 규모이며, 한국인터넷전문가협회에서 주관한 스마트 앱 어워드 2014 수상기업입니다. 서울 강남구 대치동 1004 에 위치하고 있으며, 의약품, 의료기기, 화장품사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

Medical Account Manager
( 1명 )

근무지역: *충청 지역

Description / 상세요강: Place the description in Other Notes field.

Career Stream Tasks

* Implement Key Account & Client Management plans and processes to retain and strengthen client relationships.
* Implement and execute high-quality customer service and issue resolution in order to retain current clients
* Implement and execute Client engagement activities, including identifying client business requirements and preparing proposals and quotations
* Contributes to the development and administration of all processes related to Key Account & Client Management programs and policies to retain and expand current customer relationships
* Collaborate on industry-specific relationship management activities and enabling the orchestration of customer-facing roles


- Apply practical knowledge of job area typically obtained through advanced education and work experience
- Works independently with general / moderate supervision
- Recognized as an intermediate level contributor in the area of expertise.
- Impact contained to own work with limited impact on peers in the same area
- Problems faced are difficult but not typically complex. Problems are typically solved through drawing from prior experiences, with analysis of the issue.
- Typically Reports to M2/M3

Management Responsibility

- Individual contributor who may contribute to coordinate and organize tasks with other team members


- May influence others within the job area through explanation of facts, policies and practices
- Support and interact primarily with colleagues of own function
- Build relationships and understand customer and key stakeholders` interests and concerns
- Address task-related issues using existing solutions

Experience Level

2 - 5 years
Bachelor`s Degree or equivalent experience/qualification
Candidates have to work in Chungcheong-do area will be considered for this role.


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