세계적으로 유명한 미국의 Executive Search 회사인 Legal Futures, Drake International 등과 제휴를 맺고 해외의 고급 인재를 알선해서 공급하는 Recruiting 전문업체로 www.everbrain.com 입니다.

* 글로벌 여행그룹 (리조트 및 여행 연계상품 판매 등)

전세계 1만여명의 임직원 매출액 / 매출액 15억 유로


M&E (B2B 영업)

Purpose of the position

: Develop Meetings & Events sales and contribution to meet 2024 target and further development in pipeline with new client acquisition

Operation missions

1. Work on Meetings & Events(M&E) sales strategy with the manager and implement it in the market

2. Build a solid prospection list by driving WORKTAINMENT value proposition, by aggressive direct sales and networking

3. Develop and manage relationships with B2B travel agencies to expand pipeline and prospection portfolio

4. Weekly reporting and analytics to the manager and monitor M&E sales trend and plan and implement timely actions to boost business


- Responsible for South Korea M&E sales volume and sales contribution

- Responsible for enriching prospection list and developing B2B travel agency relationship

- Responsible for M&E related seminars, educations for existing and new clients.

근무지 : 강남구 삼성동



추천 진행 후보자 분에 한하여 기업명 오픈해 드리고 있습니다.

지원자 개념 X


김신애 차장 / Emily Kim Consultant

[이력서 첨부가능]

입사지원 이메일 emily.kim@everbrain.com

