터닝포인트HR는 2017년에 설립된 회사로 사원수 46명 규모의 중소기업입니다. 서울 강남구 테헤란로 509 (삼성동, 엔씨타워 I)에 위치하고 있으며, 헤드헌팅사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

( 1명 )


As an IT Solution Architect, you are responsible to maintain IT applications stably and safely with knowledge of infrastructure & network, and deliver the solutions with understanding of our group strategy and security guidelines. You will also be responsible for IT service operations by cooperating with multiple business partner

Followings are your main working areas:
IT Operation
· You understand IT operation models and deliver the services by cooperating with multiple business partners from Korea and from overseas
· You understand our group vision and strategy, and apply the important changes in our market with proper planning and communication with relevant parties
· You support to manage the service desk & workplace request for the quality and speed following the processes defined, and manage IT software & assets with regular reviews
· You manage IT cost in overall with clear understanding of the subject and payment structure from MB group and multiple suppliers

IT Application management
· With good understanding of IT application and infrastructure, you analyze and support to solve issues proactively
· You support to design, review and implement technical solutions for new demands or changes together with relevant subject matter experts
· You manage the system operation manual and documentations properly on up-to-date
Information Security and Data Protection, Risk and Compliance
· With understanding of IT security policy and guidelines, you implement the appropriate measures to ensure data protection and security, and regularly review them to be ensured and react when to be updated
· You maintain ethical standards in accordance with our company policies and the compliance guidelines and policies including Anti-Bribery and all relevant competition laws 



· Experiences in IT application (plan/build/run) or infrastructure related
· Good knowledge of a professional IT Service Management (Business Requirements, IT Services, ITIL, SLAs etc.)
· Experience on applying technology to business processes and operations is an advantage
· Business and IT process knowledge in the field of the automotive and finance industry is an advantage

Personal skills
· IT technical skills, Strategic thinking & Good problem solving skills
· Good communication and Interpersonal skill
· Self-Initiative, high flexibility in working schedule, high reliability in delivering results
· Language skills: English and Korean 


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