[Chevron] Customer Service


포지션 및 자격요건

Job Description

Manage orders/inquires and support Account Managers

Submit price quotations and enter the order into OnePort, the online ordering system.

Liaise with delivery agents to ensure stock availability, supply capability and any extra charge requirements.

Monitor the vessel movement and seek an opportunity to “up-sell” any products that the vessel should be lifting but has not lifted.

Support Account Managers by preparing reports running and analyzing ad hoc queries and reports.

Job Requirements

Degree holder with minimum 2 years working experience

Experienced in managing customer expectations, providing relevant advice including delivery locations and facilities

Preferably experience of managing and facilitating short notice orders or ‘emergency’ requirements

Experience of working with Credit dept, ensuring business constraints are met for customer’s financial statuses

Candidate must be fluent in both English and Korean to ensure that business operations with international customers are facilitated effectively; the role will manage customers in Asia Pacific.

Proven ability to work under tight deadlines.


ㆍ급여 : 연봉 5,160만원 / 퇴직금 / 4대보험

ㆍ근무지 : 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 211

ㆍ근무시간 : 월~금 / 9:00~18:00

ㆍ근무형태 : 삼진맨파워(주) 파견직 1년 이후 업무평가에 따라 정규직 전환 가능

제출서류 및 접수방법

ㆍ제출서류 : 영문이력서,영문 자기소개서 필수

ㆍ이메일 : kohj0211@naver.com

ㆍ문의전화 : 02-558-3385


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