
Financial Planning & Analysis, Senior Associate 


  • 오티스엘리베이터(유)는 1999년에 설립된 회사로 자본금 147억 6,000만원, 매출액 7,846억 6,890만원, 사원수 1,818명 규모의
  • 중견기업입니다. 서울 영등포구 국제금융로 10 (여의도동, 서울 국제금융 센터)에 위치하고 있으며, 엘리베이터 에스컬레이터
  • 제조사업을 하고 있습니다.

모집 분야 및 지원 자격

모집분야 및 지원자격 정보
모집 부문상세 요강

Financial Planning & Analysis, Sr. Associate

(신입/경력직, 서울)

( 1명 )

Job Description

[Main Responsibilties]

  • - Develop long term business plan, yearly business plan and 3months rolling forecast

    - Scenario modelling for business initiatives and assessing its feasibilities

    - Manage the analysis and interpretation of operating results, preparation of executive

    - Identify strategic initiatives to address risk and opportunities

    - Provide financial insight, analysis and recommendations to the leadership team

    - Work closely with various business teams and

    - Drive continuous improvement to produce innovation in reporting, planning

  • and analysis Requisite

  • thus should have excellent communication skills

  • including region office

  •  reports and analysis of financial effect of various contemplated actions


- Diploma/Bachelor’s degree. Major in Finance, Accounting and Business Administration

 or equivalent

- Knowledge of overall finance or management information systems

- Proficient in both Korean and English

- Well-organized, strategic thinking structure and logical approach to solve problems

- Excellent document work and communication skills

- Passion and ownership on given responsibilities



- Industry background in manufacturing and sales 


  1. 서류전형
  2. 1차면접
  3. 임원면접
  4. 최종합격
* 서류전형 합격자에 한해 면접 일정은 추후 통보됩니다.

기타 유의 사항

  • 허위사실이 발견될 경우 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.