1. 의뢰고객사 - [국내 최대 IT 기업] 국내 No.1 대기업 헝가리법인 

2. 채용포지션 - iFactory Project Manager 1명 & iFactory Sales Engineer 1명 (대리~차장급)

3. 직무 및 자격요건

직무 :
- 물류자동화 시스템 운영 및 유지보수

- 고객 대응 (정기 회의, Spare part 관리 등)
- 기타 수명 업무

자격 요건 :
- 제조물류 / 자동창고 / MES / 자동제어 등 실무경력 5년 이상 有경험자

- 4년제 학사 이상 기계공학 등 유관학과 전공자
- 기본 OA 활용 능숙자 (엑셀, 파워포인트, 워드 등)
- 영어 소통 가능자 (중상급 이상)

- 유럽 , 동유럽 등 해외법인 , 해외 근무 유경험자 (해외 근무 3년 이상) 
- 해외출장에 결격 사유가 없는 자.

- 성실하고 책임감 있는 인력

우대사항 :

- 헝가리어 사용가능자

- 헝가리 체류자 , 현재 해외 체류 근무자 우대 

iFactory Project Manager in Central Europe

Job introduction:
The iFactory business is a business that supplies , installs , develops , and operates H/W and system solutions for smart factory and warehouse automation implementation.
The purpose of the job is to perform, and manage iFactory projects, communicate with customers and vendors in Central Europe including Hungary , and link operations in Korea and Europe..

- Minimum 5 years’ experience in a project managing role or project manager , preferably in the high-tech manufacturing and logistics Industry, including both H/W and S/W.
- Experience in delivering iFactory projects ( AMHS , Facility , MES , etc.) both local and overseas (including Korea).
- Experience in Western-European iFactory solution provider is highly recommended (min 3 years). 
- Good skill of communication and problem-solving technique. 
- Good negotiation skill to persuade and report customers is necessary.
- Good Microsoft Excel skills.

iFactory Sales Engineer in Central Europe

Job introduction:
The iFactory business is a business that supplies, installs, develops, and operates H/W and system solutions for smart factory and warehouse automation implementation.
The purpose of the job is to discover and propose iFactory projects, by communicating with customers and internal relevant of the company in Central Europe including Hungary, and link operations in Korea and Europe.

- Minimum 5 years’ experience in a sales engineer role or project manager, preferably in the high-tech manufacturing and logistics Industry, including both H/W and S/W.
- Experience in proposing or delivering iFactory projects ( AMHS , Facility , MES , etc. ) both locally and overseas (including Korea).
- Experience as a sales engineer in a Western-European iFactory solution provider is highly recommended (min 3 years). 
- High skills in communication and problem solving. 
- High reporting and negotiation skills to persuade customers and internal managers. 

- High Microsoft Excel skills.   

4. 전형방법

- 서류전형→ 면접전형(실무/임원)→ 최종합격자 발표


5. 채용 및 근무여건

- 근 무 지 : 헝가리

- 채용형태 : 정규직

- 직급 / 연봉 : 면접시 협의


◈ 제출서류

- 이력서:자기소개서(사진첨부, 연락처, 희망연봉 기재)

- MS word로 작성 요망


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문의사항 연락처정보

* 헤드헌팅 HR컨설팅㈜ 글로벌본부 Edward Ahn / Executive Director

* 메일주소 : edward@hrcon.co.kr

HR컨설팅㈜는 헤드헌팅 전문업체로 현재 40여명의 헤드헌터가 전문분야별로 나누어져 헤드헌팅 업무를 진행하고 있습니다. HR 컨설팅㈜는 구직을 의뢰한 분의 신원은 철저히 보안을 유지하고 있으며 구직을 의뢰한 분에게는 일체의 사례를 받지 않고 있습니다. *항상 최고의 파트너로 함께합니다.*