Automation Specialist (과부장급)

- 미국계 다국적 의료 및 진단장비 업체

헤니앤머코이는 2006년에 설립된 회사로 사원수 15명 규모의 중소기업입니다. 서울 강남구 테헤란로92길 14 (대치동, 동우리빌딩)에 위치하고 있으며, 헤드헌팅 및 커리어 컨설팅사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

Application Specialist
( 1명 )


1. Be automation product expert of all Workflow & IT project support in proper customer satisfaction level with Solution proposal based on thorough workflow/IT analysis and project management with close communication with all internal/external steak holders

2. Communicate with staffs at all levels cooperation with regional and global offices and local divisions and compliance to the company reporting systems Provide technical pre-sales and after sales support either direct interface with customers or together with sales personnel

3. Provide updating and development of market information and competitor’s activities

4. Deliver consulting service of Lab. workflow and volume, tube standardization based on simulation program.

5. Development and aligned Lab. workflow analysis tool into DBS (Danaher Business System) process tool and performance partnership program.

6. Post installation following up to track issues, monitor for process improvement and transition to local support.

7. Post sales leading with Beckman coulter unique program (Performance Partnership).


ㆍ학력 : 대졸이상

ㆍ경력 : 경력5년↑

- Education: Master’s degree or equivalent in a life science / medical related discipline / engineering related field

- Experience: At least 5 years experiences in medical or diagnostics field including 3 years for Lab-Consulting capacity in an international organization.

- Required Skill: Ability to monitor dedicated specialist’s consulting job in supporting local customers.

- Lead automation business for dedicated product specialist to ensure product knowledge and skill is acquired timely to carry out automation specialist work to provide drawing of the recommended best fit automation solution from on-site floor plan survey to 2D, 3D and facilitation purpose.

- Strong language proficiency in English and good PC skills

- Preferred Skills: Communication skill to demonstrate to the customer with proper solution and feedback to all subordinates and resolve conflicts within the team and across functional groups with fluent language skill in English and automation business experience.


ㆍ유관업무 경력자


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