Data Lead - SAP

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포지션 및 자격요건

Data Lead
( 1명 )


- 대형 유통플랫폼 고객사 업무지원

- Lead the overall delivery of data workstream 

- Work with Customer source system owner and Business to define different data extract & data transformation strategy. 

- Manage the workstream Escalations & Risk 

- Conduct the workshop and manage the different DATA related activities. 

- Manage the TL from ETL (extract, transform, load) for data migration activities 

- Lead mock data testing plan 

- At least 10 years of IT experience in SAP Data Migration, Data Analysis, Data Audits, Process Management, Business Analysis, ECM, Business Process Re-engineering, RFPs, Quality Assurance, Data Analysis and Modeling and Testing of enterprise wide client/server and Web-based applications and all aspects of Software Engineering and Systems Development Life Cycle. 


1. More than 5 times End-to-End SAP Implementation experience with SAP Certification
2. Module leader role experience
3. More than 3 times of leading Process Innovation Project. (Module Wide)
4. Certified in BackOffice Associates Data Migration and ETL Tools


1. Communication Skill (Korea & English)
2. SAP Best Practices Knowledge for Retail/E-commerce industry
3. SAP 4 HANA Cloud implementation expereince(FIORI Inclusive)


ㆍ서류전형 > 1차면접 > 2차면접  > 최종합격

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