PR&Digital Manager-

글로벌 화장품,의약품 회사 

모집분야 및 자격요건

모집분야명 :

PR&Digital Manager 



- Carry mainly brand communications weighting on digital activities rather than brand PR

- Develop TVC films for Mentholatum Lotion and Acnes with a strong media planning 

- Manage creative agencies as well as digital agencies

- Be in charge of SNS platform and give a guideline to a digital platform agency to manage 3 brand SNS platform 

- Build a campaign for Acnes/Hada Labo/Mentholatum driving brand goal achievement based on consumer trends as well as digital marketing trends

- Support a digital performance marketing campaign in order to boost promotional activities online 

- Manage A&P budget for brand campaign and media planning 

- Oversee all communications across the function in internal externals sharing all activities 


- At least 4 ? 10 years of relevant PR & Digital experience 

- Strong creative and open-minded person 

- Strong interpersonal and communication skills

- Fluent English 


- 근무형태 : 정규직

- 근무지 : 서울

- 급여 : 회사내규에 따름


- 2024년 1월 3일 까지(채용시 마감)

- 방법 1. 잡코리아 온라인 이력서 + 잡코리아 입사지원  

- 방법 2. 개인이력서 + 이메일 


- 서류 및 면접


- 이력서, 경력 중심의 자기소개서

- 이메일 접수시 제목에 `PR&Digital Manager-권응주부사장앞` 반드시 명시

- 이메일 :


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