글로벌 의료기 기업 Head of Marketing

플러스휴먼리소스는 2012년에 설립된 회사로 자본금 5,000만원, 매출액 00억, 사원수 30명 규모의 중소기업입니다. 서울 종로구 새문안로3길 30 (내수동, 대우빌딩)에 위치하고 있으며, 헤드헌팅, HR컨설팅, 채용대행사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

( 1명 )

▣ 담당업무
- Lead the Korea marketing strategy, positioning, content and activation for relevant audiences in the healthcare professional and consumer sectors supporting both reimbursed and cash pay opportunities.
- Drive marketing strategic and tactical planning, execution and implementation across all HCP, Digital, and Consumer marketing channels in Korea.
- Develop strategic brand planning, market research synthesis and insights generation and marketing analytics.
- Design clinical and consumer messaging and implement across the path with a focus on new patient acquisition, utilization and retention.
- Partner with other functions to deliver improvements in the customer value proposition such as Sales, RA, Commercial and Finance.
- Lead development of marketing insights/slides for annual planning, business reviews and LBE.
- Develop and sustain continuous market leadership by successfully launching new products, Freestyle Libre 2 and 3 with differentiated strategies and customized actions to all target segments
- Measure and assess marketing campaigns/executions with data-driven analysis and insights. Ensure KPI dashboards are set to track performance of key marketing campaigns with meaningful business metrics.
- Plan and drive achievements of company vision and objectives as well as divisional mission and strategies.
- Motivate and support the skill, competency and career development for the marketing team.

▣ 자격요건
- Education: Bachelor of Arts/Science in business or science/engineering required; MBA preferred
- Total Years of Work Experience: 12 or more years’ experience preferably in the pharmaceutical and/or -medical device industry in commercial role: experience in sales preferred
- Industry-Specific Years of Experience: 5+ years of working at a healthcare marketing related industry
with understanding of regulations for pharmaceutical and/or medical devices in Korea

▣ 전형방법 : 서류전형 > 1차면접(실무) / 2차면접(임원) > 채용
▣ 제출서류 : 국영문 이력서 및 경력중심 자기소개서 (MS워드 형식)
▣ 제출방법 : ymlim@plus-hr.co.kr 로 이메일 접수
-. 최종연봉, 희망연봉 필히 기재
-. 첨부 표준이력서양식 사용 권장

▣ 마감일 : ASAP (채용시 마감)


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