안녕하십니까. 헤드헌터사 맨파워코리아의 문대원수석입니다.

[외국계 화학대기업] Lab Engineer포지션으로 제안드립니다.

근무지:경기도 안산시

*Main Tasks:
Manage routine lab activities for material characterization
- Be responsible for management of material characterization related lab activities (including routine activities related TS support and Material and part testing lab.
- Lead the execution of testing tasks and make the routine maintenance plan of equipment related to material characterization.
- Implement various special material characterization methods which needs high level of theoretical background and expertise, like capillary rheometer measurement, rotational rheometer measurement, friction testing and support mechanical properties.

Utilize and integrate analytics and testing network
- Support lab manager on the audit of material characterization related testing equipment and methods for EP testing labs in Korea (including QC laboratories)
- Support lab manager to explore more resources (both internal & external) relating to material characterization for guidance to internal customers. 

Drive for testing harmonization
- Assist lab manager to participate the harmonization of testing equipment and methods relating to Material characterization for all EP testing labs in A-PMA (including QC laboratories).

-고분자 물성 및 실험실의 분석 경험. 유변학 거동, 마찰 테스트와 관련된 마찰학에 대한 경험이 있는 경우 우대

-포괄적인 기술 보고서를 작성하고 영어로 기술 프레젠테이션을 전달할 수 있는 능력;

-품질 개념에 대한 이해 또는 경험 우대 

- Master in chemical engineering or polymer science. If candidate major polymer science related with rheology, it will be a plus. 

Working Experience
- If master with more than 2 years
experience in chemical engineering, material mechanical testing or rheology area, it will be a plus.