고객사는 세계 최대 PR 전문기업입니다.
금번 사업확장으로 아래와 같이 각부문 PR 전문가를 초빙합니다.

A. [Brand팀] Sr. Supervisor ~ Manager (차부장급)
B. [Brand팀] Supervisor ~ Sr. Supervisor (과차장급)
C. [Corporate팀] Manager (차부장급)
D. [Digital팀] Content Marketing ? Sr. Supervisor ~ Manager (차부장급)
E. [Digital팀] Content Marketing ? Sr. AE ~ Supervisor (과장급)
F. [Digital팀] Social Media ? Supervisor (과장급)
G. [Digital팀] Supervisor (과장급)
H. [Healthcare팀] Supervisor ~ Sr. Supervisor (과장급)
A. [Brand팀] Sr. Supervisor ~ Manager (차부장급)

[브랜드] 통합 마케팅 커뮤니케이션 ? 차/부장
브랜드 통합마케팅커뮤니케이션 Senior Supervisor/Manager는 어카운트 그룹의 관리와 주어진 비즈니스 성장에 책임을 가진다. 

모든 프로젝트가 수립된 원칙과 전략에 따라 정해진 예산과 일정 내에 성공적으로 수행되고 있도록 운영하는데 책임을 가진다. 

관련 어카운트의 스탭들이 마케팅 및 운영 전략 수립의 방법과 운영 관리, 그리고 에이전시의 프로세스를 이해하고 성장할 수 있도록 도움을 주며 관리/운영한다.
· 주요 컨슈머 기업/브랜드의 통합마케팅(IMC) 활동 관련전략 수립 및 실행
· 디지털 광고 캠페인 및 인플루언서 기반 프로그램 기획 및 실행
· 소셜 미디어와 디지털 매체를 통한 브랜드 캠페인 기획 및 실행
· 디지털 플랫폼 채널 운영 기획 및 콘텐츠 제작 및 검수(국/영문)
· 국내 미디어 및 컨슈머 대상 BTL이벤트, 미디어 행사 기획 및 실행  
· 전통뉴스미디어기반 홍보 활동 및 콘텐츠 기획/개발
· 신규사업 제안서 작성
· 8년 이상 홍보, 광고, 마케팅, 디지털 분야 경력 보유자 (소비재 분야 경력 우대)
· 전략적 사고와 Creative Insight 보유하고 브랜드 마케팅, 디지털 마케팅 등에 대한 전문 지식과 활용 능력 보유자
· 고객사, 협력사 등과의 원활한 커뮤니케이션 스킬(대면 & 비대면) 보유자
· 팀을 리드해 본 경험 있는 지원자 우대
· PR 에이전시 업무에 대한 이해가 있는 지원자
· 뛰어난 마이크로소프트 오피스 운용 능력 (워드, 엑셀, 파워포인트)
· 뛰어난 국/영문 Speaking, Writing, Presentation
· 4년제 학사이상
B. [Brand팀] Supervisor ~ Sr. Supervisor (과차장급)

[브랜드] 통합 마케팅 커뮤니케이션 과/차장
브랜드 통합마케팅커뮤니케이션 Supervisor/Account Manager는 홍보?마케팅 프로젝트가 클라이언트의 요구사항에 부합될 수 있도록 

에이전시의 자원(내/외적)을 파악하여 기획하고 적시에 적합한 형태로 집행될 수 있도록 관리 및 운영되는 책임을 갖는다.
클라이언트를 대응하는 에이전시의 기본적인 대표조라서 어카운트 매니저는 클라이언트와 지속적인 연락 및 관계를 유지하며 성과있는 프로그램 운영을 위해 최선을 다한다.
· 해외 기업/브랜드의 한국 마케팅 커뮤니케이션을 위한 전략 기획 및 프로그램 관리 및 운영
· 다양한 디지털 플랫폼을 활용한 브랜드 캠페인 프로그램 개발, 제안 및 운영
· 통합 마케팅 커뮤니케이션 전략 기획 및 프로그램 실행
· 플랫폼별 최적화된 콘텐츠 (비주얼, 텍스트, 영상) 기획 및 소셜 미디어 플랫폼 운영
· 온오프라인 프로모션 및 이벤트 진행
· 온라인 광고 포함 캠페인 통합 KPI지표 관리 및 효과 측정 및 리포트 작성
· 신규사업 및 배정된 어카운트의 홍보/마케팅 프로그램에 대한 기획 및 제안서 개발
· 5년 이상의 홍보, 광고, 마케팅 커뮤니케이션 분야 경력
· 브랜드 마케팅 및 디지털 마케팅 등에 대한 전문 지식과 활용 능력 보유
· 리서치 및 정량적?정성적 데이터 분석과 인사이트 도출 능력
· 팀웍을 요하는 업무를 처리할 수 있는 능력
· 다양한 레벨의 이해관계자와 능숙한 구문 및 구술 커뮤니케이션 능력과 숙련된 국/영문 프리젠테이션 능력
·    뛰어난 마이크로소프트 오피스 운용 능력 (워드, 엑셀, 파워포인트)
·    홍보 및 마케팅 또는 관련분야 학사 이상
·    한국어 Native, 영어 상급 이상 우대(writing/speaking)/영문 문서 작업 능력 필수
C. [Corporate팀] Manager (차부장급)

Key Responsibility
· Provides various communication strategies for corporate PR and brand reputation management including crisis management and PR strategy/action.
· Takes the lead in building trust between stakeholders and corporate through spokesperson training and effective internal communication.
· Helps set client program goals and manage against them
· Demonstrates tactical proficiency in media relations, including creating and driving outreach plans, message development, management of events, growth of contact network, and effective pitching and training of spokespersons on speeches and presentations
· Day-to-day management of team subordinates
· At least 8 years of PR experience in related industries required
· Ability to manage projects, as well as teams, on multiple sizable accounts
· Understands clients` businesses and their missions, as well as their key stakeholders: consumers, employees, investors, regulators, media, vendors, partners, and other businesses/organizations, etc.; able to impart this knowledge to team members
· Ability to represent Edelman and the client in a polished and intelligent manner
· Business acumen and growth mindset
· Fluent in Korean and English
· Crisis/Issue management, media relations, corporate communication experience required
· Analytical skills or excellent communication skills with internal and external stakeholders 

D. [Digital팀] Content Marketing ? Sr. Supervisor / Manager

Job Responsibility
· Understand the client’s business challenges, and provide strategic solutions as the main point of contact in accounts
· Manage projects for marketing activities & content creation with a strong understanding of managing resources, timeline & budget
· Develop a strategic digital content creation and execution plan for global audiences
· Brief to editors and content creators in both local & global organization network
· Operate digital platforms and generate monthly/weekly performance measurement reports on the status 
· Responsible for keeping the team abreast of deadlines and progress
Requirements and Qualification
· Bachelor’s degree or equivalent practical experience
· Over 7 years of work experience at a PR/digital marketing agency
· Superior writing and verbal communications skills both in Korean and English 
· Solid understanding of multi-purpose content marketing communication 
· Experience in client facing communication
· Exceptional relationship building skills 
· Capable of writing a thoughtful interactive communication strategy presentation, highlighting current trends in digital, media, technology and PR
· Knowledge of digital platforms is preferred ? GA, Google Ads, SEO, etc.
· Experience in PR or marketing abroad is preferred

E. [Digital팀] Content Marketing ? Sr.AE/Supervisor

Job Responsibility
· Understand the client’s business challenges, and provide strategic solutions as the main point of contact in accounts
· Manage projects for marketing activities & content creation with a strong understanding of managing resources, timeline & budget
· Develop a strategic digital content creation and execution plan for global audiences
· Brief to editors and content creators in both local & global organization network
· Operate digital platforms and generate monthly/weekly performance measurement reports on the status 
· Responsible for keeping the team abreast of deadlines and progress
Requirements and Qualification
· Bachelor’s degree or equivalent practical experience
· 4-5 years of work experience at a PR/digital marketing agency
· A native/near native English AND Korean speaker
· Solid understanding of multi-purpose content marketing communication 
· Experience in client facing communication
· Exceptional relationship building skills 
· Capable of writing a thoughtful interactive communication strategy presentation, highlighting current trends in digital, media, technology and PR
· Knowledge of digital platforms is preferred ? GA, Google Ads, SEO, etc.
· Experience in PR or marketing abroad is preferred

F. [Digital팀] Social Media - Supervisor

Job description
· Establish social media marketing strategy
· Manage social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, Kakao) for luxury brand (Fashion, Beauty) 
· Plan for social media’s contents scheduling 
· Develop social media advertisement strategy and optimization
· Understand the client’s business challenges and be proactive about putting forward new ideas
· Be the main point of contact for copywriters, content creators, vendors, and partners in both local & global organization network
· Manage regular news and competitive activity monitoring
· Work with a global company’s HQ to promote products and assist the team in proposing a business strategy
· Great exposure to Edelman global network in the environment to refine project management skills and develop a strategic eye for content development
· Manage ad-hoc activities
Requirements and Qualification
· Bachelor’s degree or equivalent practical experience
· More 4 years of social media-related experience at a PR/digital marketing agency
· Superior writing and verbal communications skills both in Korean and English
· Solid understanding of content marketing and communication
· Deep understanding of digital production and publication process & performance measurement
· Experience in client-facing communication, collaborating, and consulting with industry-leading clients

G. [Digital팀] Supervisor

Job Description
Working with a global company’s HQ to promote products and propose business strategy
Great exposure to Edelman global network in environment to refine project management skills and develop strategic eye for content development
Project management skills and managing multiple stakeholders is key capability
Manage a number of key client relationships
Act as the first point of contact for client requests
Brief to editors and content creators in both local & global organization network
Develop and implement highly interactive strategic responses for brand`s business and communication needs
Maintain a sense of discretion and professionalism in representing the organization
Manage projects for marketing/PR activities & content creation with a strong understanding of managing resources, timeline & budget
Generate performance measurement reports on the status of existing accounts and new business 
Job Requirment
5-8 years of work experience at an PR/ad/digital agency 
Client facing account servicing experience
PR content creation & editing in both EN & KR (English proficiency required)
Experience with crafting media strategy, media briefings, pitching, product launch events
Solid understanding of PR content required for product launches, marketing events 
Deep understanding of digital production process & performance measurement
Capable of writing a thoughtful interactive communication strategy presentation, highlighting current trends in digital, media, technology and PR 
A native/near native English AND Korean speaker  
Interested in technology news 
A great multitasker 
A fast learner and enjoys acquiring new skills 

H. [Healthcare팀] Supervisor/Sr. Supervisor

Job description
· PR/PA strategy development (incl. issue identification/stakeholder mapping) and execution
· Key stakeholder engagement and communication
· Corporate reputation management (i.e. CSR, Issue management)
· Disease awareness campaign strategy/program development and execution
· Brand communication campaign
· Bachelor`s degree or equivalent practical experience
· More than 5 years of experience working in a PR agency, government relations, NGO, or corporate public policy 
· Ability to speak and write in Korean and English fluently
Preferred qualifications
· Experience in public affairs, public advocacy, or the private sector government affairs field
· Knowledge of the healthcare sector (e.g., pharmaceutical, medical devices, etc.)
· Experience working in fast-paced environments
· Ability to work well as part of a team and work with people from a broad range of backgrounds and experiences
· Excellent communication/presentation skills


1. 입사지원서, 경력중심 자기소개서, 프로젝트 수행실적

2. e-mail 지원, MS-WORD 1개파일 작성 요망.

   메일제목 [PR(지원부문 A~H)/성명/출생년도/희망연봉/주요경력회사] 로 접수.

   “Jsys@scout.co.kr” (문의 010-6542-2001)