Finance Controller - 외국계 미용장비

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포지션 및 자격요건

Finance Controller 
( 1명 )

담당업무 및 지원자격

Area of responsibilities

Financial Planning

·     Annual budget (1-2 year ahead)

·     Monthly rolling forecasts (rolling 12 months)


Financial analysis and reporting

·     Monthly closing and group reporting

·     Actual vs budget analysis

·     Company bookkeeping work

·     Annual audit (working with EY)



·     Local tax planning / VAT / Withholding

·     Transfer price study

·     Annual tax filing

·     Work with tax consulting / Tax authorities


Financial institutions and consulting firms

·     Banks

·     Local Leasing companies


Information systems and IT infrastructure

·     Implementation and use of IS applications (ERP, CRM, Digitization, and automation process)


Coordination with parent company

Education requirments

  • Bookkeeping
  • Experience with CPA or Tax accountant exam

Past experience

  • 1-3 years as a controller/assistant controller or similar position
  • Working for global companies

Qualfications and skils

  • Very good written and spoken English

·        Strategic approach, networked thinking

·        High implementation orientation, “hands-on” mentality

  • Team player
  • Assertiveness and perseverance, social competence


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