
IT Project Lead/프로젝트 매니저

This job is responsible for the coordination of projects within the IT Department. This position will coordinate communication related to a project, both within the IT team, as well as with other cross-functional teams. The PS acts as a liaison to other corporate divisions to communicate on timeline and project delivery issues. The PS is responsible for creating and maintaining project plans and timelines, which dependencies, prioritizing target dates, and providing input on departmental decisions related to process and procedures. This position is responsible for developing, maintaining, and updating regulatory project plans, as well as monitoring progress, and ensuring timely delivery of regulatory tasks on projects managed by other teams.

포지션 및 자격요건

담당업무( 1명 )

ㆍProvide feedback on plans and revise

ㆍCoordinate, track, and facilitate delivery of all projects

ㆍ Act as a liaison with department and outside department personnel to fulfill project/departmental goals and review deliverables prepared by team. Attend to meetings with all cross-functional teams represent the IT team and provide feedback to regulatory about new product /projects

ㆍRequest, compile, and file appropriate regulatory documentation for product information files as needed. Ensure project documents are complete, current, and stored appropriately

ㆍ Develop user stories and business rules throughout the projects and its sprints

ㆍWork with the regional/HQ team to understand the requirement priority from the business stakeholders and understand the business impact for the production service delivery

ㆍWork with the regional/HQ team to understand the requirement priority from the business stakeholders and understand the business impact for the project delivery


성실성, 협동심, 꼼꼼함


ㆍ학력 : 대졸이상

ㆍ경력 : 3 ~ 6년

1. Education Requirements

ㆍBachelor’s degree or equivalent

ㆍComputer Science or related field

2. Related Field Work Experience

ㆍ 3+ years

3. Language Proficiency

ㆍ Business English which able to make relationship with HQ & APAC

4. Knowledge & Skills

ㆍCloud computing, operating system, database, networking, security

ㆍIT Project Management, Global Communication, Problem Solving skill


ㆍ Knowledge in Windows & Other Operating Systems and Client, software

*such MS-Office, MS Project, other client software

ㆍ ISP (전사 정보화 계획), PI,

ㆍ Experience in Project and Digitalization Consulting

근무 조건

ㆍ고용 형태 : 정규직(수습 3개월)

ㆍ근무 지역 : 서울 강남구

ㆍ근무 요일/시간 : 주5일(월~금) | 09:00 ~ 18:00 | 탄력근무제

복지 및 혜택





ㆍ임직원 할인



ㆍ서류전형 > 1차면접 > 2차면접 > 최종합격

ㆍ면접일정은 추후 통보됩니다.


ㆍ허위사실이 발견될 경우 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.