
항공수출경력 (서울 본사)

DSV is a global supplier of transport and logistics services with offices in more than 60 countries. Together with our partners and agents, we offer transport and logistics solutions in more than 110 countries. DSV is listed on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen and included in the OMXC20 Index as one of the 20 most actively traded shares. DSV Korea was established on November 12, 1997 and currently running 3 offices, HQ in Seoul and 2 branch offices in Incheon and Busan with total 230 employees. For more information, please visit our global web site at www.dsv.com.

모집분야 및 자격요건

항공수출 OP
( 0명 )


ㆍ항공수출부 OP/CS

 - HAWB 작성, EDI 전송, Pre-alert 발송, 고객사 정산 등


ㆍ학력 : 대졸이상

ㆍ경력 : 경력2년 ~ 5년


ㆍ서류전형 > 1차면접 > 인성검사 > 임원면접 > 최종합격

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