Product Solution 

(Technical Engineer / 사원)

브리지스톤은 세계 최고의 타이어 기업으로, 2008년 타이어 매출 기준 281억 달러(한화 약 33조원, 1달러=1,185원, 2015.09.30 환율기준)를 기록한 이후 2008년부터 2018년까지 10년 연속 전세계 타이어 랭킹 1위를 차지했습니다 (출처: 미국 Tire Business誌).

브리지스톤은 환경과 미래를 생각하는 글로벌 기업으로서 친환경 타이어 개발과 함께 다양한 환경보전 및 개선 프로그램에 지속적으로 참여해오고 있으며 현재 약 140,000명의 직원이 전세계에서 활동하고 있고 세계 150여 개국에 타이어를 공급하는 세계적인 기업입니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

Technical Engineer 사원
( 1명 )


Primary responsibility as a Technical Engineer is to provide customer value matching product line up, to support customers on technical issues and to assist sales teams for their sales activity. You will be responsible for product line up improvement in Korea, with a main focus on the passenger car radial and truck bus radial tires.

Key Responsibilities
- Support to lead and manage market QA(Quality Assurance) works in Korea market.
- Assist in designing and planning market survey plan according to subject e.g., demand, concept, preference…
- Assist in managing communications with group companies for the quality issues.

Key Areas
1) General Technical engineering

  1. - Conduct Product power evaluations which include both objective & subjective measurement such as field test and ‘voice of customer’ data collection.o Support the analysis of customer requirements & the development of harmonized strategies for new product launch.
  2. - Coordinate planning, implementation, and analysis of various types of surveys (interview & measurement) at customer sites, fleets, tire dealers, scrap yards, etc.
  3. - Collect & share competitor activity.

2) Quality management

  1. - Monitor product quality and correct operation of products as after sales support.
  2. - Coordinate with HQ for countermeasure requirements in case of problems.

3) Sales Support

  1. - Support sales team for technical issue such as technical advice, TCS and sales approach related such as fleet approach etc.

Global/ Region/ Local Initiatives

  1. - Participate in Regional conferences, and special projects, where required.
  2. - Prepare and submit reporting requirements and needs when required


ㆍ컴퓨터활용능력, 운전


계획성, 적응성, 협동심


ㆍ학력 : 대졸이상 (졸업예정자 가능)

ㆍ경력 : 신입


- Engineering background and bachelor’s degree or higher preferred
- Welcome in Gyeongsang-do and Jeolla-do area addressed residence.
- Good communication skill with clients and end users as well as among internal sections
- Planning and scheduling ability for the targeted tasks e.g., demand surveys, preference surveys etc.
- Required job skills obtaining.
- High level of integrity, respect for others, persistence, and passion for success
- Language proficiency: English is mandatory (other language(s) are added advantage) 




1차 서류전형 : 


  • *공고 확인 후 Apply Now 클릭 - 회원가입 후 서류접수

  • 제출서류 : 한글이력서, 영문이력서, 한글자기소개서 (각종 증빙서류는 서류전형합격자에 한해 추후제출)

  • *Candidate Profile - My Documents에 업로드

  • 2차 면접전형 : 

  • *서류전형 합격자에 한해서 추후 통보



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