PLAYWITH We are Hiring #ESD Platform Manager

자유롭고 신선한 창의력을 바탕으로 모든사람들에게 즐거움을

주는 플레이위드에서 스스로의 가능성을 믿고 회사와 함께

성장해갈 인재를 적극적으로 채용하고 있습니다.

We are looking for an ESD Platform Manager

to join Playwith.

Playwith, a video games and entertainment software creator, is currently seeking a full-time business leads and support manager
The main routine tasks are the following
#Release Control #Strategy Creation #Communication #Collaboration  

Recruitment section and Qualifications
Recruitment PartAssociate Realase Manager
Job Description
1.  Deeply engage with the dev studio to troubleshoot the commercial & technical challenges in the ESD platform to
release in-house titles.
2. Develop Go-To-Market Strategy to create and generate traffic
3. Blueprint the execution plans and campaigns that cover social media platforms (Twitter, Discord, Youtube) to engage
with a fan community 
4. Manage relationships with collaboration partners
5. Drive budgeting and forecasting plans in partnership with various stakeholders 
Preferred Qualifications1. Individuals with a high level of understanding of the gaming industry and global trends
2. Individuals with a high level of ability to analyze game metrics/derive insights and understand systems
Job Requirements1. Strong verbal & written communication skills both in English and Korean.
2. High degree of familiarity with games, trends & development.
3. Community managing experience in videogames focused on consumer acquisition & retention/community management is preferred
4. Comfort with working in a fast-paced, dynamic, and ambiguous environment with rapidly changing requirements.
5. Demonstrate strategic analysis skills with an ability to map an understanding of business drivers.
6. Results-driven approach and pattern of using performance metrics to assess impact/engagement by campaign and overall.
7. Excellent cross-team collaboration, with a demonstrated ability to work across stakeholder groups to get things done.

Recruitment Process

Employee Benefits

  • 월 복지포인트 지급

  • 경조사 휴가 및 경조금

  • 가족기념일(생일) 선물 지급

  • 어린이날 자녀 상품권 지급

  • 어버이날 부모님 상품권 지급

  • 장기근속자 포상

  • 제휴 콘도

  • 도서구매지원