시너지월드와이드코리아는 1997년에 설립된 회사로 자본금 15억원, 매출액 800억, 사원수 60명 규모의 외국계(외국 법인기타)입니다. 서울 강동구 천호대로 1077 (천호동, 래미안강동팰리스)에 위치하고 있으며, 건강기능식품 및 화장품 판매사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

( 1명 )

l  채용 부서: IT

l  채용 직급: 대리 ~ 과장급



n  Provide technical assistance and support to end-users, troubleshooting and resolving IT issues.

n  Manage and lead a team of IT professionals, providing guidance, mentoring, and performance feedback.

n  Oversee the organization`s IT infrastructure, including servers, networks, and hardware/software systems.

n  Plan, execute, and manage IT projects, ensuring timely delivery within budget and scope.

n  Collaborate with the software development team at headquarters to understand their requirements.

n  Develop and implement the organization`s IT strategy, aligning it with business goals.

n  Implement and maintain information security policies and procedures.

n  Evaluate, select, and manage IT vendors, ensuring cost-effective and high-quality services.


Qualifications and Requirements:

·         Bachelor`s degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, or a related field (relevant experience and certifications may be considered).

·         Proven experience in IT management or leadership roles.

·         Experience or understanding of software development processes, methodologies, and technologies.

·         Strong technical knowledge across various IT domains.

·         Excellent leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills.

·         Project management skills and experience.

·         Knowledge of IT security and risk management practices.

·         Familiarity with IT budgeting and financial management.

·         Ability to adapt to changing technology trends and requirements.

Preferential Treatment:

·         Anyone with DevOps experience

·         Anyone who understands and has experience using Epi Server

·         Fluent in Speaking and Writing English

시너지월드와이드코리아 복리후생

- 단체 개인보험

- 자기계발비 지원 (10~15만원)

- 자사 제품 매월 제공

- 장기근속 및 우수사원 포상

- 건강검진 매년 지원

- 명절 및 생일 선물 제공

- 여름휴가 추가 (1~5일) 부여


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