모집분야 및 자격요건

Global Communications PR Specialist


  • - Write and edit press releases, news snippets, articles, and reports
  • - Translate between Korean and English (primarily Korean-to-English)
  • - Media monitoring and content management
  • - Support press events, campaigns, proposals, and other activities
  • - Support English-language communications both for external clients and within the company
  • - Other ad-hoc duties as required


  • - 3+ year of experience in PR and communications
  • - Bachelor’s degree from a 4-year accredited university
  • - High levels of fluency in both Korean and English
  • - Excellent writing and presentation skills
  • - Excellent interpersonal skills

Preferred Qualifications:

  • - Bachelor’s degree in PR, communications, marketing, or journalism
  • - Experience in writing and editing press releases, articles, and blog posts
  • - Experience in WordPress and content management
  • - Experience working both in Korea and abroad
  • - Experience in communicating with international clients
  • - Proficiency in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel
  • - Strong knowledge of the Korean media landscape


ㆍ서류전형 > 1차면접(실무 테스트 진행) > 2차면접(필요시) > 최종합격

ㆍ면접일정은 추후 통보됩니다.


ㆍ허위사실이 발견될 경우 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.