유한회사 짐머바이오메트코리아는 1990년에 설립된 회사로 자본금 6억 9,663만원, 매출액 643억 3,919만원, 사원수 71명 규모의 외국계(외국 투자기업)입니다. 서울 용산구 한남대로 98 일신빌딩 5층, 6층에 위치하고 있으며, 정형외과용 인공관절, 의료기기 및 의료용구 수입 및 판매사업을 하고 있습니다.

모집분야 및 자격요건

( Customer Service Specialist 1명 )


< Job Summary >
Customer Service Specialist is mainly responsible for responding to customer orders, requests and inquiries related to products and services provided; acts as somewhat of a mediator between customers and business by assisting in problems, mistakes, transaction issues, payment, cancelations, and other inquiries.

< Principal Duties and Responsibilities >
* Sales Order Management
- Sales order & return process management

- Promotion and Discount management

- Manage backorder report for customers

* Purchase Order Management
- Non-inventory PO related to Operation

- Inter-company return and redeployment PO

- PMR (Product Miscellaneous Request) process management

* Service and Reporting
- Respond requests/inquiries from customers

- OTIF (On Time In Full) analysis and reporting

- Document preparation for tracking management system & UDI

- Expiry management of consignment

- Support KPI assessment of logistic service providers

< Expected Areas of Competence (i.e. KSAs) > 
- Good communication skill

- MS Office (Excel)

< Education/Experience Requirements >
- Associate or Bachelor`s degree

- Customer servicing experience is preferred

- Medical device experience is preferred

< Travel Requirements >
- Need to be able to travel overseas


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