[한국트럼프] EUV Administrator 모집 

(평택 근무, 1년 계약, 경력무관)

한국트럼프㈜는 1997년에 설립된 회사로 자본금 113억 7,000만원, 매출액 1,821억 7,460만원, 사원수 239명 규모의 중견기업입니다. 본사는 서울특별시 마포구 월드컵북로 56길 12, TRUTEC빌딩 7층에 위치하고 있으며, 공작기계부품(산업용레이저커팅기,펀칭기) 등 기계장비 도소매, 유지보수 / 부동산 임대,전대사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

EUV Administrator
( 1명 )

[Key Responsibility]

1.      Daily order processing / Purchasing

-         Tools & Parts: for installation via SAP (PO & SO), shipment tracking

-         Domestic goods purchasing: for safety & office uses via company internal procurement system

-         Domestic service contract & purchasing: office rental, office management fee, warehouse rental, parking lot, etc.

2.      Cost management

-         Generate monthly cost report from EUV cost center Power BI

-         Manage invoices & Payment process for 3rd party expense

3.      Manpower planning support

-         International travel arrangement

-         Access request for customer sites

-         Company internal scheduling system (SIS) mission management

4.      Other administration duties

-         Office related administrative tasks

-         Documentation 


-      Good English skills in both written and verbal

-       Good communication skill

-       Structured and conscientious way of working

-       Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint

-       Positive, energetic team player, integrity and trust


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