안녕하십니까. 맨파워코리아의 문대원수석입니다.

[외국계 화학기업] FP&A Manager포지션으로 제안드립니다. 

위치:송파구(문정역 도보 5분 내외)

Detailed Duties:

-. Responsible for monthly financial forecast and Annual Budgeting

-. Business Partner to Divisions to effectively manage the business and maximize profitability

-. Provide in-depth gap analysis including potential risks and opportunities, sales performance and business direction for different business divisions or district

Job Requirements:

-. About 10 years of finance experience with +5 years finance planning and analysis including business partnering

-. Excellent analytical skills, strategic thinking, detail oriented

-. Strong ability to prepare presentation for financial reviews at the senior management level

문의사항이나, 지원의사가 있으시면 검토 후 국문/영문 이력서를 아래의 연락처로 송부 부탁드립니다.



맨파워코리아 문대원 수석컨설턴트