1907년에 미국에서 메신저 회사로 설립된 UPS는 전세계 상거래가 가능하도록 한 $42,6억 규모의 회사로 성장했습니다. 오늘날 UPS 는 세계에서 가장 인지도가 높고 존경받는 글로벌 회사 중 하나가 되었습니다. 세계에서 가장 큰 익스프레스 운송 및 화물배달 회사로서, 전문화된 운송 및 물류서비스의 선두업체인 UPS는 물류, Supply Chain 관리 및 전자 상거래, 여기에 제품, 정보 및 자금을 결합하여 새 분야를 개발하고 있으며, 매일 전세계 200개 이상의 국가 및 지역에 물품, 자금 및 정보의 흐름을 관리하고 있습니다.

Health Officers are tasked with managing technical issues related to health in the workplace. The health manager assists the business owner or manager in charge and provides advice and guidance to the manager in order to comply with governmental regulations on health-related technical matters.

▶ Tasks falling under Article 22 of the Enforcement Decree of the Occupational Safety and Health Act
▶ Measurement and management of employee health and work environment, inspection of work processes, evaluation of harmful factors and advice
▶ Prevention of occupational diseases, identification of harmful factors in the musculoskeletal system, and identification of harmful factors
▶ Establishment of job stress management and health promotion programs
▶ Taking solicited comments from team members and employees to improve the work environment.
▶ Develop a corrective action plan in collaboration with relevant departments.
▶ Identify and lead programs that reduce risk and enhance safety.
▶ Adjusting an organization`s procedures or processes to meet new or changed regulations.
▶ Provide expertise on legal or compliance issues and explain the impact of changes.
▶ Identification of the everyday situations in which an organization may be in non-compliance and the specific impact of non-compliance.
▶ Conducting audits to comply with UPS and government regulations.
▶ Participation in the Occupational Safety and Health Committee and management of meeting minutes
▶ Creation and management of legally required documents (Safety and Health Management Regulations, Severe Disaster Response Manual, Establishment of Safety and Health Management System, Occupational Safety and Health Committee Meeting Minutes, etc.)
▶ Health management schedule establishment / implementation and performance management
▶ Implementation of Global UPS Safety & Health Regulations in Business Sites

Eligibility 필수요건

 산업안전보건법 시행령 제17조 별표 4에 준하는 자

의료법상 의사

- 의료법상 간호사

- 국가기술자격법에 의한 산업위생관리사 이상의 자격을 취득한 자

- 국가기술자격법에 의한 인간공학기술사 이상의 자격을 취득한 자

- 고등교육법에 따른 4년제 대학 이상의 산업보건 또는 산업위생학위를 취득한 자

▶ 국내 또는 해외 출장이 가능한 자

General Requirements
- Bachelor’s degree or equivalent
- Satisfactory of educational requirement obtaining health officer
Less than Five years of work experience in occupational health officer
- Fluent Korea language skills (Business English proficiency preferred)
 IT Skill
- Good at MS Office (MS Excel, MS Word, Power Point, etc.)
 Other Required Skill
- Judgement & Decision Making Skills
- Presentation Skills
- Written & Verbal communication Skills
- Accuracy & Attention to Detail
- Influencing & Persuasion Skills

Monday to Friday 9:00 - 18:00

UPS코리아 부천센터 - 경기도 부천시 평천로 850번길 99

서류전형 >> 면접전형 >> 경력조회 >> 최종합격 

www.jobs-ups.com/ko-korea 접속 후 R23013047 검색 후 지원서 접수