SSI 부산 College App 카운슬러 모집

에스에스아이부산㈜는 2021년에 설립된 회사로 사원수 20명 규모의 중소기업입니다. 부산 해운대구 반여로2번길 38 (반여동)에 위치하고 있으며, 미국 사립 초중고등 교육 기관사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

미국 명문대졸 College App 카운슬러
( 1명 )


ㆍ미국 학제 Junior 및 Senior 학생 College App 관련 담당 카운슬러

ㆍ신입생 및 재학생 학업 및 College App 상담

ㆍ대학 입시 및 학업 관련 학부모 상담


ㆍ학력 : 대졸이상

ㆍ경력 : 경력2년↑



ㆍ컴퓨터활용능력 우수자

ㆍ문서작성 우수자

ㆍ프리젠테이션 능력우수자

ㆍ유관업무 경험자(인턴·알바)

ㆍ미국 명문대졸 교포 및 미국 유학생 출신 우대, 영어로 미국 중고등학교 교과과정 강의 경험자 


Recruitment Qualification and Terms


1. School Introduction:

 Seoul Scholars International Busan Campus is an independent American private education for a student in grades K-12th and located in Haeundae, Busan.

2. Counselors Recruitment:

- Able to handle college application process for Junior and senior high school students.

- Mandatory to brainstorm and review students essays including proof reading

- Need micro management of college application prep including reviewing Common App and submitting

documents on time.   

3. Qualification:

a. Major: Any major  

b. Career: More than two years in high school as a counselor.

c. College Degree: At least BA or BS degree of top 30 Universities or Colleges in US News.

d. No criminal record in Korea and home country.

e. English is spoken as native language.

f. Someone who thinks student first, last and always.

g. No bias for gender or student achievement.

h. Status: Legitimate visa able to work in Korea. (Unable to support visa.)  

i. Working Hour: 8 am ~ 5 pm

4. Terms and Conditions:

a. Salary/Month: Negotiable  

b. Benefit:

- Vacation: According to Korean labor law.

- Free lunch.

- Holiday gifts.

c. Payday: Every 25th day of each month

d. Tax: Medical, Annual Pension, Unemployment, Income Tax for full time teacher.

        3.3% income tax deduction for full time freelancer.

  e. Sick Day or Absence: According to Korean labor law.


ㆍ서류전형 > 1차면접 > 2차면접 > 임원면접 > 최종합격

ㆍ면접일정은 추후 통보됩니다.


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