[애로우 일렉트로닉스] 

영업지원 담당자 채용 

(1년 6개월 계약직)

Arrow Electronics, Inc. (NYSE: ARW), an award-winning Fortune 104 and one of Fortune Magazine’s Most Admired Companies. Arrow guides innovation forward for over 220,000 leading technology manufacturers and service providers. With 2022 sales of USD $37.12 billion, Arrow develops technology solutions that improve business and daily life. Our broad portfolio that spans the entire technology landscape helps customers create, make and manage forward-thinking products that make the benefits of technology accessible to as many people as possible.

Learn more at www.arrow.com.

Our strategic direction of guiding innovation forward is expressed as Five Years Out, a way of thinking about the tangible future to bridge the gap between what`s possible and the practical technologies to make it happen.

Learn more at https://www.fiveyearsout.com/

For more job opportunities, please visit 

포지션 및 자격요건

( 1명 )


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