주한 아랍에미리트대사관은 1987년에 설립된 회사로 사원수 60명 규모의 중소기업입니다. 서울 용산구 한남동에 위치하고 있으며, 재외공관사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

경제 연구원
( 1명 )


Monitor developments and the strategic economic policy of the host country by analyzing development plans, tax policy, investment policies, the volume of foreign and national investments, and performance of the national economy and prepare daily, weekly and periodic reports

- Collect and analyze data, prepare studies related to bilateral relations and the volume of trade between the UAE and the Korea. Make the recommendations that contribute to improving and developing the relations for the common interest

- Collect, analyze and assess data on the economic situation, foreign economic relations and regional and international economic blocs of the Korea, and prepare reports thereon

- Provide all aspects of support including information, studies, overview on economic and trade laws and regulations to the UAE companies operating in the Korea or wishing to enter its market in order to support and contribute to the companies` growth and development in coordination with the line manager

- Contribute effectively to organizing, participating and attending economic events organized or attended by the Mission. Prepare reports and minutes of meetings and follow-up the directives and recommendations of the line manager

- Develop and update effective database on domestic economy and economy influencers in the Korea

- Track the implementation of the concluded economic and trade agreements, initiatives, and decisions of joint committees between the UAE and the Korea

- Participate in welcoming and bidding farewell to guest, delegations and officials of the UAE and accompany them to attend conferences and meetings as directed by the line manager

- Contribute to updating the Mission`s website with news, reports and economic activities and events held by the UAE and the Mission

- Perform any other tasks assigned by the line manager, including translations

- Building relationship with the economic entities and companies.

- Able to write a formal speeches which cover the relationship and the economic updates


ㆍ학력 : 대졸이상

ㆍ경력 : 경력3년↑


- 외국어 : 영어

- 전공 : 경제학, 국제학, 국제지역학


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